Little Vk's (Part 3)

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"Henry! I'm back!" He heard Evie call from upstairs.

"Oh no! I'm so dead!" He started panicking unsure of what to do. There was no way he could clean it up before Evie came down to find him. And when he heard her footsteps coming down the stairs, he completely lost it as he picked up Mal and Carlos and held them and stood in front of the wall to try and hide the mess from Evie as long as he possibly could.

When Evie came down the stairs and saw Jay playing some kind of death game on the tv, and her eyes widened in horror. "Jay! Turn that off, a boy your age should NOT be playing those kind of games." Evie said before she realized just how much she sounded like a mom.

But I mean, she technically was, after all, she did adopt the 3 of them. Jay pouted at her as he turned off the game, Evie had to admit he was good at that as a 4 year old. Or however old he was right now. Evie turned away from him so she wouldn't change her mind, and that's when she saw Henry standing in front of the wall, holding onto Mal and Carlos with a grin on his face that told Evie he was up to something.

"Ok, what did you do?" She asked him.

"Pfft! What makes you think I'm up to something?" He asked her as if she were crazy.

"Oh don't even try that on me, Mister. Don't hold them like that, here give them to me." Evie said as she didn't like how Henry was holding them by the backs of their shirts.

"Wait no!" Henry yelled as Evie took the toddlers from him.

But as soon as they were in her arms Evie screamed bloody murder at the sight of spray paint all over the wall behind Henry. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" She screamed at him.

Henry winced as he heard Evie scream. "I didn't know they were down here doing that." He told her.

"They who?!"

"Them two!" Henry replied pointing at Mal and Carlos.

Evie looked down the two kids in her arms in shock. "Mal, Carlos? Did you do that to the wall?" She questioned them. Mal nodded her head at her while Carlos just looked up at her with his thumb in his mouth. "Well, I guess we're going back to the store to get paint."

"We'll do that, but why don't we go and get the kids something to eat first?" Henry suggested to her.

"Ok. Go put the car seats in Clarabelle and I'll go clean up these two troublemakers." Evie said as she went up the stairs to clean the paint off of the toddlers.

Henry gave her a salute before he also went up the stairs to put the car seats in. Evie sat Mal and Carlos down on the counter as she wet a cloth and began to clean the paint off their faces and hands. "Ok, Mal? Where did you get the paint?" Evie questioned the little girl.

"In the bwack bag." Mal told her.

Evie closed her eyes and sighed as she knew that Mal was referring to her black duffel bag that she always carried her spray paints in. "Mal, painting the walls is bad. You should never have brought any paint with us." Evie told the toddler.

"But I didn't bwing the paint." Mal replied to Evie.

"Yes, I know. I was talking about a different Mal."

"There's another Mal?!" Mal asked in shock.

"Sort of, sweetie. There, you're all cleaned up. Carlos? It's your turn." Evie said as she helped Mal off the counter and cleaned the paint off of Carlos.

Mal ran out to the living room where Jay was sitting on the couch playing on Evie's phone. "Where did you get that!" Mal asked him.

"I got it from Evie's bag, shh! Don't tell her." Jay told Mal quietly.

Mal nodded as she sat down next to him to watch what he was doing on the phone. But of course, it had to come to an end when Evie came back and took it away. "Ok guys, let's go outside and get buckled in your car seats so we can go eat." She told the kids as she took them outside.

Henry and Evie then buckled them in before driving off to the city to get some pizza. "Look, I'm really sorry about what happened with the kids and the wall. I seriously had no idea that's what they were doing." Henry apologized to his girlfriend as he drove.

"It's ok, I guess. But we really need to find a way to turn them back to teenagers." Evie told him.

"And we will, don't worry." Henry assured her as he then pulled into a parking space. They got the kids out and walked in, sitting down at a table.

"I want cake!" Mal yelled as she banged her fork on the table repeatedly.

"Mal, cake is not dinner. We're having pizza." Evie told her as she picked up the fork so she couldn't bang it on the table.

"No! I want cake!" She yelled again.

"Me too!" Carlos yelled as well. Even Jay yelled that he also wanted cake and they started yelling even louder about it.

Evie closed her eyes and sighed. "Guys! We're not having cake right now. Please just stop yelling." She said. The kids stopped yelling but they all became mad, and Mal and Carlos began crying over it. "Mal, Carlos. If you stop crying, after you guys eat your pizza we can have cake for dessert." Evie said to them with a smile on her face.

"Yay! Cake!" Mal yelled excitedly as she quickly began eating her pizza.

"Wow. I can't believe you just made them quiet." Henry said as he watched the whole scene. "You know? One day, you are going to be an amazing mother."

"I am, aren't I? These 3 are sure giving me a lot of practice." Evie said smiling at her boyfriend as she leaned into him after he had put his arm around her shoulders.

Once the kids had all finished eating their pizza, Evie ordered them all some cake, which they immediately began digging in to once it came.

"Aww! You're kids are so cute!" A woman told the couple as she passed their table. "Are those two twins?" She pointed at Mal and Carlos who were the same size.

"Uh no. Their just two months apart." Evie replied making the woman look at her in confusion. "You know what? Yes, they are twins."

"Well, they are all just adorable. You two are very lucky parents." The woman said before walking away.

Henry looked over at Evie with a smirk on his face as she looked up at him with her eyebrow raised. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked him.

"That woman actually thought they were our kids." He said with a laugh in his voice.

"Well? What else was she supposed to think? I mean, she's not completely wrong, they are technically our kids. After all, I did adopt them." Evie replied.

"Yeah, that's true." He said as he then leaned in to give her a kiss.

"EW!" The 3 little vk's said as they watched them kiss.

Henry and Evie quickly pulled away as they started laughing. "Well, we should probably get going. We still have to get the paint, and put these troublemakers to bed." Evie said.

Henry nodded in agreement as he paid for their food and then took the kids out to Clarabelle, buckling them in their car seats before heading to the store to get some paint.

A/N: I am so sorry for making you all wait so long for this next part! It's just, I almost forgot about this, and I've been struggling with motivation and focusing on my other books that this just got away from me. But I finally wrote it, so please let me know what you thought! Until the next chapter!!!

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