A Descendants Christmas (Part 4)

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The next week seemed to fly by, Evie and some of the girls had been working themselves to the bone practically just to get all of the orders done. Mal was the one who was delivering all of the orders while all of the boys were making all the deliveries for food and more materials, things like that. Mal was chilling against the door waiting for the one of the girls to finish another dress or tux so she could go out and deliver it. But suddenly, out of nowhere, a pair of hands covered her eyes surprising her and causing her to jump slightly.

"Guess who?" Came the familiar voice of her boyfriend, Carlos.

"Hmm, give me a second.." She playfully replied. "This has got to be Jay."

"Haha, very funny." Carlos sarcastically replied as he took his hands off her eyes. "You know it's me."

"I know, I just love messing with you. So, you need anything?" She asked him.

"I need you." He simply replied quickly pecking her lips.

"Well mister, you're just going to have to wait. I'm currently a little busy delivering orders." She told him.

"I don't see that, all I see is you standing here doing nothing." He joked with her.

"Right now, but any minute now one of them is gonna be calling my name and handing me a dress."

"Mal!" She heard Audrey call her name. Mal gave Carlos a look that had 'I told you' written all over it. She went over to grab the dress and put in a garment bag before heading for the door to deliver it to whoever had ordered it.

"Um E? Where is this going to?" She asked the bluenette who was completely focused on the work in front of her.

"Room 119." She replied not taking her eyes off the coat she was currently working on.

"K, thanks. Brb." She said even though no one was even paying attention to her, as she left the dorm.

Carlos was about to walk out and follow after Mal because he was so bored, but he was stopped by Evie calling for him. "Carlos don't leave!"

Carlos halted himself as he walked right back into the room. "Yes?"

"I need some more material over here, I'm running low on the purple fabric." She told him.

"Alright, I'll get going." He responded about to leave once again.

"Hold on! You need to look at the fabric so you know what kind to get." Evie stopped him from going anywhere. Carlos walked over to Evie's workspace so she could show him what kind of fabric he needed to get. "You got that in your head?"

"Yep! It's all in here." He replied tapping the side of his head. "You need anything else before I leave?" He didn't want to try and leave again and then get stopped by her yet again because she remembered she needed something else, it had happened wayyy too many times before.

"Now that you mention it, I could really go for a latte right about now." She said to him.

"Ok, does anybody else want something from Starbucks?" He asked as he knew that was where Evie would want him to get the latte from, it was Evie, of course she loved Starbucks. Who doesn't?

"I want some hot coco please!" Jane told him.

"Ooo Starbucks! I'll take a cake pop. Chocolate." Lonnie spoke up next.

"Oh if we're getting cake pops get me one too, I'll have chocolate as well." Evie said giving him another thing to add.

"Wait a sec, let me write this down." Carlos said getting out his phone and making a list in his notes app. "Does anybody else want a cake pop?"

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