Warning Signs

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It was a normal day. One of those days where everything was going perfect. It was a Saturday so nothing out of the ordinary really happened. Mal was just relaxing on the bed watching one of her shows trying not to fall asleep. She had been sick for the past few days, she didn't have a cold or a fever, she had just been throwing up nonstop it seemed like.

Mal groaned as her stomach started hurting again. She grabbed her side as she kept turning. "Please stop!" She whispered to herself.

The pain only increased and she was tempted to scream as it became too much for her. But all of a sudden, she had the urge to throw up again. She clamped a hand over her mouth as she ran to the bathroom as fast as she could, then leaned over the toilet as she emptied whatever was left in her stomach which wasn't much cause she had hardly been eating anything. At all.

As she continued to heave into the toilet, Evie came back into the dorm with some soup for Mal. But ran into the bathroom when she heard the sound of Mal throwing up. She pulled Mal's hair away from her face, and rubbed her back gently. When Mal felt she was done, she leaned against Evie trying not to pass out cause she felt lightheaded.

"M, are you okay? Do you think you can keep down some soup?" Evie asked her softly as she grabbed a towel and wiped Mal's chin.

Mal shook her head. "No, I'm not risking throwing up anymore." Mal said standing up and going back over to her bed as she swayed as she walked to her bed, but had to grab onto the counter when she almost fell.

"Mal!" Evie yelled running over to her.

"I'm fine, Evie." Mal told her as she walked out of the bathroom and laid down on her bed.

"Mal, you are not fine. You are almost always throwing up, and can barely stand upright or walk. Maybe we should take you to the doctor." Evie said.

"No! I'm fine! It's just a little stomach flu it's nothing we should concern ourselves over."

"I'm just worried about you, M. I don't like it when you're sick." Evie told her as she laid next to her and hugged her. Mal winced as Evie squeezed her a little causing her side to hurt again. Evie noticed Mal tense up and she looked uncomfortable and a little in pain. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just my stomach is still a little upset." Mal told her.

Evie nodded as she got up. "I'm gonna get you a trashcan." She told her.

Mal went back to watching her show as Evie came back and put the trashcan beside her. Mal sent her a small smile as Evie went over to work on some more dresses while Mal just laid there and rested.


A few more days passed and Mal wasn't getting any better. If anything she was getting worse. Evie was on another date with Henry to the movies, and Mal was all alone in the dorm. Evie was gonna stay with Mal and go on a date with Henry another time, but Mal insisted that she would be fine by herself and so Evie had gone out.

But that day, Mal's stomach pain was worse than it had ever been. The pain wouldn't go away and she started crying because it hurt so much. She started throwing up again, and the pain became worse the more she threw up. Mal felt like she was dying as she was now sweating like crazy.

She clutched her side and rolled over trying to stop the pain, and ended up falling off the bed, she screamed when the pain got even worse. It was the worst pain she had ever gotten in her life. And just then, the door opened and in came Evie who had just gotten back from her date with Henry.

Evie's eyes widened when she saw Mal on the floor crying while holding her side in obvious pain. "Mal!" She yelled running as fast as she could over to her and falling on her knees in front of her.

"It hurts. Bad, Evie." Mal said as she continued to cry.

Evie felt Mal's forehead and she felt Mal was burning up. "Ok, that's it we're taking you to the hospital." Evie said as she picked Mal up and ran out of the school and to Clarabelle.

Evie buckled Mal in the passenger seat before speeding off to the hospital. Mal continued to groan and cry in pain. Evie knew something was very wrong with her best friend. She was worried about her and just hoped that the doctor could figure out what was wrong with you. Evie pulled into a parking spot before rushing Mal into the emergency entrance. After yelling Mal's symptoms to the receptionist, nurses immediately took Mal away on a bed.

Evie didn't know where the nurses were taking her, but she heard them yelling "we need to take her into emergency surgery" to each other. So whatever was wrong with Mal was bad enough to where she had to be taken into surgery. But that's when she realized it. Mal's symptoms were throwing up, side pains, and a fever. Mal had appendicitis. She ran her hands over her head as the realization just hit her like a brick.

She went over to sit down in the waiting area and wait for Mal to be out of surgery. Hours passed and there was no word. She had gotten tired of just sitting around not hearing anything. She had begun pacing while waiting to hear about Mal. She shook her head as more time continued to pass without a single word. So she went back over to the receptionist.

"Excuse me, but is there any word on how Mal Morgana is doing?" Evie asked.

"She's still in surgery. The doctor will come out and tell you when she's done. Until then, you'll just have to wait. I'm sorry." She was told.

Evie nodded going back over to sit down. She bit her lip as she watched the hallway looking for the doctor. A couple more hours went by, and Evie still didn't hear anything. But then she saw a doctor come into the waiting area holding a clipboard in his hands.

"For Mal Morgana?" He called.

Evie stood up and rushed over to him. "I'm with her." She told him. "How is she?"

"She's just fine." He answered her. "Her appendix had ruptured and we needed to perform an immediate surgery on her. It was successful and she will be okay. If you had brought her in any later, it might've been too late."

Evie sighed in relief. "Oh thank gosh! I was really worried about her. Can I see her?" She asked.

"Yes, you can. She's in room 112, and she's still asleep right now. But she should wake up soon. And we're gonna keep her here overnight just to make sure she stays alright." He replied.

Evie nodded before heading down the hall and to Mal's room. And she saw Mal laying on a bed asleep. Evie slowly walked over to the chair right next to Mal's bed. Evie gently grabbed her hand held onto it. She rubbed the back of her hand over Mal's forehead brushing back her hair.

"Hey Mal." She whispered. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was worried sick about you."

Mal, hearing Evie's voice, slowly opened her eyes and turned her head over to look at her. "Hi, Evie." She said in a hoarse voice.

Evie smiled at her softly. "How are you feeling?"

"A little sore. But better than I was."

Evie nodded her head slowly. "Why didn't you tell me that you were hurting down there? If I had known, we would've gotten it taken care of, sooner."

"I didn't want to bug you. I thought it was nothing, I thought it was just my stomach being upset from all my puking." Mal told her.

"Mal, you would never have bugged me. You can never bug me. Especially if it's something like this. You can always come to me no matter what. Know that for next time, ok?"

"Ok. I'm sorry." Mal apologized to her.

"I forgive you. I'm just so glad you're okay." Evie said as she hugged Mal, who winced as she did so. "I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" Evie asked pulling away from her fast.

"A little bit, but I'm fine. I promise." Mal said.vEvie smiled affectionately at her. She was just so happy that Mal was fine. As things could have gone much worse, very easily.

A/N: So what did you all think of this one? Shout out to Descendantsfan03 for giving me this idea. I hope you all liked it and enjoyed it. Please let me know what you thought! And please leave a request for another one shot or short story if you have any. Until the next chapter!!!

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