The Cursed Jewel

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Uma was taking a hike through the woods as she had been bored and Harry and Gil were hanging out with Jay and Carlos practicing tourney. She was getting annoyed by the sound of the leaves crunching beneath her feet but she her thoughts were soon interrupted when she stopped in front of a cave.

Uma got out her phone and turned on her flashlight app barely shining in the pitch blackness from that cave. Uma glanced at her surroundings. Should she go in? She hadn't explored this particular cave. She bit her lip before deciding to go in. The cave was especially dark, and damp, with a little creek running through it.

Most people would probably have found the cave creepy, and possibly haunted, but not Uma. She kept going on, deeper into the cave but suddenly stopped when she felt something under her boot. So she lifted up her foot and saw a shining green jewel of some sort just there on the ground.

Uma was intrigued by it so she picked it up and examined it. "Cool." She whispered to herself. She quickly put it on her pocket and decided she had seen enough of that cave and went back to the entrance. Then she headed back to Auradon Prep and burst into Mal and Evie's dorm where the two girls were studying.

"Mal! Come check out this jewel I found!" She said holding up the jewel.

Mal threw aside her homework and ran over to Uma. "Whoa! Where'd you get that?!" Mal asked as Uma let her hold it.

"In this cave in the woods." Uma told her. "It was just on the ground and it was just so cool I couldn't put it back down."

Mal just nodded as she found it really cool too before she handed it back to Uma. "Look, I'm glad you two are friends now, but some of us are trying to study for a very important test." Evie said from on her bed.

"Ok blueberry, chill. I'll be going now." Uma replied before stepping out of the room and heading to her own dorm. She sat down on her bed just messing around with the jewel.

But all of a sudden her shell necklace started glowing. She stared at it a little in confusion. Why was it glowing? But then it just stopped. 'Odd.' She thought. Why would it just do that randomly. Meh, it was probably nothing. Right? She set the jewel on her table before turning on the tv and just started watching that for a bit until she fell asleep, taking a little nap.

But, of course,that just had to be interrupted when Harry and Gil came back. "Hey Cap'n!" Harry yelled.

Uma groaned as she sat up. "Couldn't you see I was trying to sleep?!" She asked them.

"Oh! Sorry Uma! We'll come back later!" Gil said.

"No, I'm awake now. What do you guys want?" Uma asked.

"We came to see what you were up to." Gil replied before he saw the jewel on her table. "Ooo! What's that?"

Gil picked it up and looked at it as Harry stood behind him. "Looks interestin'. Let me 'ave a look." He said trying to taking the jewel from him, but Uma took it from both of them.

"It's mine, boys!" She yelled at them putting it inside her necklace. But she saw the boys just staring at her necklace with their mouths hanging open. She narrowed her eyes at them. "What are you staring at?" Harry gulped as he only pointed at her necklace. Uma just looked down at her chest and her eyes widened to see the shell glowing again, but brighter than she had ever seen it glow. "What the heck?!" She yelled as her chest started feeling hot. She took the necklace off.

"What happened?" Gil asked.

"I'm not sure." Harry replied. "What did happen, cap'n?"

"I-I don't know." She stuttered. "But it just started heating up. I have no idea why it would do that."

"Maybe it had something to do with the jewel." Gil told her.

Uma thought about that for a moment. Maybe Gil was right, for once in his life. But it did seem very possible. Her shell had never done that before, and it only started doing that when she had that jewel. So maybe it was the jewel. She got the jewel out of the shell and took it away from it. The shell was fine.  She brought the jewel closer, the shell started glowing again. "It is the jewel!" She said.

But just then, the shell continued to glow brighter, and brighter and it began heating up again. It heated up so much that she dropped the shell. "Ow! Dang, that thing is hot!" She said fanning her hand which was looking red.

"Uma!" Mal yelled bursting into the dorm. "Where's the jewel?!"

"It's right here. Why?" She asked holding it up.

"You need to get it out of here, now! It's cursed and it messes up any and all magical objects and can make them explode!" Mal continued to yell.

Uma immediately ran over to the window and threw out the jewel as hard as she could. Then she ran back over to her shell and picked it up to see it was back to normal. "Thanks for the warning, Mal." Uma said. "But how did you know it was cursed?"

"I didn't. Evie did." Mal replied.

"How on earth did blueberry know that?"

"She said the jewel looked familiar so she kept trying to find out where she had seen it. Then she remembered that she had learned about in one of her boring documentaries that she watches all the time." Mal explained.

"Well, looks like her boring shows just might have saved my necklace." Uma said kind of impressed.
"Looks like it." Mal agreed.
Of course, something like that was the reason Uma's necklace was just fine. But hey, at least it was good for something. Right?

A/N: Now, I know this was short but I was running low on inspiration and I'm lucky I was even able to write this. But shout out to unicorn-girl14 for giving me this idea! I hope you all enjoyed it even though it probably wasn't even that good. But please let me know what you thought! And leave a request for another one shot or short story if you have any. Until the next chapter!!!

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