Little Sisters

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A little three year old Mal was running around the isle as she was with her mother who was running errands. And by errands, I mean she was going around the isle and torturing different people, teaching Mal how to be evil just like her. But Mal wasn't interested, she was running around pretending she was a dragon like her mother. But as she was playing, she ran into someone else, knocking them both down.

"Ow!" They both exclaimed holding their foreheads. Mal looked up and saw a little blue-haired girl on the ground across from her. "Hey! You got my dress all dirty! My mommy's gonna be so mad at me! It's all your fault!" The other little girl yelled.

"No, it's not!" Mal yelled back standing up as the two little girls stared hard at each other. "Who aw you!?"

"Who are you?!" She asked in return.

"I ask you fiwst!" Mal yelled again.

"I'm Evie! Who are you?!"

"I Mal!" Mal said.

"Well Mal, you ruined my pretty dress. My mommy is gonna be mad at you!" Evie said.

"Well, my mommy is gonna be mad at you!" Mal yelled back.

When the sound of the two girls yelling at each other grew louder, Maleficent turned her head around to see Mal was no longer paying attention to her, but instead she was yelling at a little girl with royal blue hair who was yelling right back at her.

"Mal Bertha! What is going on?!" Maleficent yelled at her daughter making the two girls stop yelling and look at her.

"She ran into me and made me fall, mommy!" Mal yelled pointing at Evie.

Maleficent turned her head to Evie, who hadn't realized the little girl's mother was Maleficent. Just as she was about to grab Evie's arm and teach her a lesson about knocking down her next generation of evil, a voice could be heard yelling.

"Evie! What are you doing to my daughter?!" Maleficent saw the Evil Queen storming over to her. "How dare you try to hurt my daughter! She has to look perfect for her prince!"

"Ha! What prince? There are no princes on the isle." Maleficent said.

"Well she leaves the isle, she needs to look perfect for the prince she will be marrying. Now stay away from her!"

"I told you both to stay away as soon as I found out you and Hades decided to go behind my back and have that daughter of yours. I don't want her around my daughter!" Maleficent yelled. The Evil Queen and Maleficent then went their separate ways with their daughters, both upset with each other.


About a week or so later, Maleficent had allowed Mal to go outside and play for a little bit. Mal was once again pretending she was a dragon. And she was running all over the isle again, but she accidentally tripped and fell down, but luckily it was an alley and not in the open streets so no one saw her. But she saw she had scraped her hands and knees and they burned.

Mal began crying, not terribly loud as not to let anyone hear her. Her mother had taught her that crying was a sign of weakness, and no daughter of hers was weak. She saw that her knees were both bleeding and were burning and that caused her to cry harder. But she soon stopped when she saw someone come into the alley. She tried hiding, but they found her.

"Go away!" She yelled.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." Mal saw it was just Evie, the little girl she had met just a little over a week ago.

"Ebie?" She asked in an almost scared voice.

"Yeah, it's me. Here, let me help you." Evie said getting a little cloth out from one of the pockets in her dress and began wiping the blood away from her scrapes.

"Ow! That hurts!" Mal said she tried not to start crying more.

"I know, but I'm trying to make it better." Evie told her. And after she was finished wiping away all the blood, Mal looked down at her still scraped knees. "Does that feel better?"

Mal only nodded at her. Evie smiled gently at her. "I heard my mommy say that we're sisters." Evie told her causing Mal to look up at her with a confused expression on her face as she tilted at her head at her.

"But why aw our mommies different?" She asked.

"We just have the same daddy. Hades." Evie told her.

"He go away. He not like me no more." Mal said sadly looking down at the ground.

"I never met him. My mommy said that he was a very mean man and I don't need to meet him." Evie said. "We should just keep this a secret and never tell anyone."

Mal nodded once again. "You wanna come play wif me?" Mal asked as she was beginning to like Evie. After all they were sisters.

Evie smiled at her as she nodded with them both standing up. "Yeah! I'll be the princess!"

"I be the dwagon!" Mal yelled excitedly as she started running around again pretending that she was flying. Evie giggled at her as she thought the little girl was adorable. She was always going to be friends with Mal and keep her safe and protect her. She was her little sister after all.

A/N: I know this wasn't very long, but I hope you all enjoyed this! Shout out to Descendantsfan03 for the idea. We both agree that Hades is more than likely Evie's dad too so she gave this idea to me. Please let me know what you all thought of this! And leave a request for another one shot or short story if you have any. Until the next chapter!!!

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