A Descendants Christmas (Part 3)

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Evie was trying not to panic as she drove to Auradon Prep with Jay in his truck following behind her. She still had no idea what the emergency was that Mal had called to tell her about, she just hoped Mal wasn't hurt or anybody else for that matter. As soon as she pulled into Auradon Prep's parking lot, she caught sight o emergency vehicles parked right in front of the school with firemen rushing in and out of the building while several students were standing outside.

Evie quickly unbuckled and ran out of her car and straight for the school to see if she could find Mal and make sure she was alright. "Mal? Mal where are you!?" She called out hoping she could be heard.

"Evie! I'm over here!" She heard Mal yell to her. Evie searched all around to see if she could spot Mal's purple hair. When she felt a hand on her shoulder she turned around to see Mal standing right behind her. "Oh Mal, you're okay! I was so worried, what happened?"

"I don't know if I could say it. I think it's easier to just show you. Follow me." Mal told her as she grabbed Evie's hand and led her into the school.

Evie didn't know exactly where Mal was taking her but as they headed up the stairs the smell of smoke began to fill the air. The more they walked through the hallways and past all the dorms, she then knew exactly where they were going and she wasn't sure what she was going to find once they arrived.

But as soon as they showed up in front of her workroom and the smoky scent was stronger than ever, Evie looked inside and she fell to her knees in shock as her hands flew to her mouth. Her space was a complete mess, everything was burnt black and to a crisp and water was dripping everywhere, all of her outfits were completely ruined, so was her sewing machine along with all of her materials.

"It's gone. It's all gone. Mal, what happened?" Evie asked looking up at Mal.

"They said the rack of dresses next your space heater were too close to it and one of them caught fire and it spread to the rest of the room. Apparently your heater had been left on and that's what caused it." Mal explained to her. "At least your door was closed so the fire couldn't spread to the rest of the school."

"Yeah, so no one got hurt?" Mal shook her head as she helped Evie stand to her feet. Evie stepped into the room to see the extent of the damage and see if by any chance there was anything salvageable. But there seemed to be nothing, everything in there was completely destroyed. "What am I gonna do? I have nothing, what am I even supposed to tell everybody about their outfits?"

"Evie, everything's gonna be okay. We'll figure everything out, I'm sure there's a way you could still finish all your orders." Mal said trying to help her feel better.

"How? My sewing machine is absolutely ruined, I have no materials, Mal I would be starting from scratch. There's just no point in trying." Evie replied as she walked away and to their dorm. She couldn't take anymore of standing there and looking at the mess and aftermath of the fire that used to her workroom, it was all just too hard and difficult for her to bear in that moment.

Mal sighed as she watched Evie walk away sadly. She felt absolutely horrible about what had happened, she had been working so hard for the past month and now it was all ruined. She wanted to do something, to fix all of this but she just didn't know how. It was almost impossible to get Evie all of the things she would need in time for her to finish it all before the Ball.

She was about to start heading to their dorm but then she thought of Evie and how she would probably want to be alone for awhile, so she decided to walk around the school for a bit.

"Mal hold up!" She heard Henry call out to her. Mal stopped and turned around and waited for Henry to catch up to her. "You know where Evie is? I wanted to see how she was holding up after the fire."

"She's taking it pretty hard. Which I expected, she pretty much lost her business. I feel so bad for her, I just wish there was something I could to do to fix all this." She told him.

"Maybe there is." He replied.


"Come on, let's go find the others." Mal shrugged her shoulders as she followed after Henry.


An hour after Evie had seen her workroom damage, she had just laid on her bed and turned on a Hallmark Christmas movie while trying to think too much about the current state of Evie's 4 Hearts. Right when the movie was about to enter into the last part, a knock sounded on the door. "Mal, you don't have to knock just come on in!" She yelled.

Not a word was said from the other side as the door was opened, Evie paused her movie and averted her gaze over to the door. She sat up in surprise when she saw that it wasn't just Mal who had entered, it was all of her friends. "What are you all doing here?" She asked as she got up from the bed.

"We're here to help you out Eve." Mal told her. Evie tilted her head to the side not getting what she was trying to say.

"We know how hard you've been working to make sure all of Auradon has something to wear for the Christmas Eve Ball, we weren't gonna let that fire take that away from you." Henry spoke up next. "And so all of us are going to work together to help you make sure you finish all your orders in time for the Ball."

"You guys, you all are so sweet! But, it's just not possible. Even if I wanted to try and finish everything, I have nothing to do it with. But I thank you all for your support, it means a lot." She said to them.

"Actually you do." Carlos told her causing her to look over at him in confusion. He then held up her sewing machine. "I'm gonna fix this for you and get it working again. If anyone can do it, I can."

"And I'm gonna go out and get you all the materials you need, and deliver all the finished orders for you so you only have to focus on designing and sewing." Mal spoke up again.

Audrey soon entered the room with Dizzy, Jane, Lonnie, and a few other girls behind her. "And we're all gonna help you with the sewing, we all at least have a little bit of experience doing it." A smile began to make its way across her face as all her friends were stepping up to help her out and make sure she got her job done.

"You guys are the best! I don't know what I would do without you all!" She said to them as she gave them all hugs and thanked them.

"Of course, E. We would never leave you hanging." Mal replied to her.

Evie was just so happy that all her friends were making such a huge effort to help her out. "Well I guess now's as good a time as any to get started, right?"

Everyone agreed, and so Carlos got to working on Evie's sewing machine, while some of the others went to go get all the materials Evie was going to need. They were determined that it would all get finished before the day of the Christmas Eve Ball!

A/N: Sorry this wasn't necessarily the longest thing out there, but I wanted to get this out so I didn't leave you all hanging from that cliffhanger for a week. I'm not heartless lol, and I also want to try and get back to my quick updates again. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this please let me know what you thought! And if you have any requests for a Christmas one shot for any of my collections please let me know! Until the next chapter!!!

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