Little Vk's (Part 2)

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Evie and Henry gathered all of their things before taking it up to the beach house they were renting. And once they set those kids down on the ground, they started running around like crazy. Evie sat down on one of the stools in front of the island and she put her head against the counter.

"How are we gonna take care of three toddlers. Mal was a handful by herself when she turned into a toddler the first time. Now we have two little boys, we need to figure out how to turn them back and fast." Evie said to him.

"I know, and we will. But for now, we're just going to have to work together to take care of these three kids." Henry replied. "And besides, it's good practice for when we have our own kids."

Evie smiled a little when Henry mentioned their own kids. They had never really talked about having kids, but maybe after the craziness was over, she could talk to him about it. "Yeah, but in the meantime we're going to need to get all the things they're gonna need like diapers, especially diapers, clothes, car seats cause we are gonna go get dinner tonight, and I'll get a few other things too." Evie said putting a list on her phone.

"Ok then, let's go!" Henry said about to get the three toddlers.

"Um, Henry? We don't have any car seats. One of us is gonna have to go and the other one is gonna have to stay here and watch the kids." Evie told him. "I guess since I'm the one with the one with the lost, I'll go."

"Wait, so you're gonna leave me here with three little vk's?" He asked as he pointed over to the toddlers who were all smiling over at them.

"Yes, I am. You can handle them, you'll be fine, honey. I will be back as soon as I can." Evie replied giving him a quick kiss to his lips as she grabbed her keys and left to go to the store.

Henry turned to the vk's who were playing together. "Ok kids, what should we do?" He asked them.

Mal raised up her hand at him. "I know!" She yelled. "Can we steal candy?!"

"Uh no, we can't do that." Henry told her.

Mal stuck her lip out at him as she gave him puppy eyes. "Pwease!"

"Mal, no. That's wrong, and we can't do that. How about we watch tv?" Henry suggested as he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV as he went to the kids channel and he saw that Dinosaur Train was on. "Ah! Here's a good show for you to watch." He told them.

Mal, Jay, and Carlos were on the couch staring at the tv, absolutely engrossed into the show. Henry smirked to himself as he was very proud of himself for keeping the three toddlers entertained. Evie would be proud of him too when she came back and saw how well he kept things calm and quiet in the house.

But once the show came to an end, and some weird, creepy-looking things appeared on the screen shouting "Time for Teletubbies! Time for Teletubbies!" Making the toddlers screamed and ran away as fast as they could. "Hey kids! Get back here! It's just Teletubbies!" Henry called out to them.

"They're scawy!" Mal said as she hid behind the island in the kitchen with Jay and Carlos.

Henry turned to look at the tv where the Teletubbies were still on, and he saw that they did look kinda creepy. So he picked up the remote and turned off the tv. "Ok, we're done with tv then. So what should we do next?" He asked the kids.

"Can we go pway outside?" Carlos asked.

Henry glanced out the window and out at the beach. That probably wasn't a good idea, especially with Evie gone. "Why don't we wait until Evie gets back, and for now we'll just play a game inside." He said to them.

"Ok." The kids said together.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Henry asked them.

"Hide and seek!" They yelled at the same time.

"Ok then, you kids go hide, and I'll count." He told them. And once he covered his eyes with his hands and began to count, the toddlers all ran away as fast as they could to go and hide.

"Follow me!" Jay whispered as he left Mal and Carlos down the hall. And Jay slowly opened a door at the end of the hallway that turned out to be a staircase that went down to the basement. "Quick! Let's hide down here!"

Mal and Carlos giggled quietly as they followed Jay down the stairs, closing the door behind them. And when they got to the bottom of the stairs they saw it was a huge room with a black leather couch in front of a huge tv. "Whoa!" They all shouted as they started running around like crazy, jumping all over the couch as Jay turned on the tv, but suddenly Mal found a black duffel bag in the corner of the room, so she went over to it and unzipped it, smiling as she picked up what was inside.

When Henry finished counting he uncovered his eyes as he began looking for the kids. He tried listening for them, cause he knew kids would sometimes giggle and give away their hiding place. But the house was all quiet. Too quiet. "Ok kids. Where are you?!" He yelled through the house. But he got no answer.

Where could those kids possibly be? He searched all throughout the house but he just couldn't find those kids for the life of him, and honestly, it was beginning to scare him. What if they were getting into something? Or destroying the house? Or at least, part of the house. And just when he was about to give up and start to panic, he heard giggling upcoming from the basement. How could he have forgotten to check the basement?!

He quickly ran back into the hall and opened the door as fast as he could, running down the stairs finding the tv on while Jay had somehow figured out how to turn on the Xbox and start playing it. "Aha! I found you Jay! Where's Mal and Carlos?" He asked.

Jay kept his eyes focused on the screen and a hand on the controller as he pointed over to the corner behind them. Henry's eyes slowly followed Jay's small finger over to the corner. And his eyes widened in absolute horror when he saw Mal and Carlos with spray paint cans in their hands as they were spraying the entire wall with the paint. He screamed causing the two toddlers to look at him and start laughing.

"What are you kids doing!? Evie's gonna be back any minute and she's gonna kill me!" He yelled. And as if on cue, he heard the front door close from upstairs.

"Henry! I'm back!"

A/N: Haha! Yes, that's where I left it off. So what did you all think? Please let me know what you thought, and please let me know if there is anything you want to see happen in this short story! Until the next chapter!!!

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