Mal and the Reindeer (Part 1)

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A/N: Ok I, putting the authors note here today because I just want to give a shoutout to @Descendantsfan03 for giving me this idea. This little short story contains her characters from her Little Mal series, so I hope you all enjoy this! Anyway, please let me know what you thought of this and if any of you have any requests for a Christmas one shot let me know about that as well! Ok, now onto the story!


It was a beautiful snowy morning down at Evie's cottage and Mal was out enjoying it all as she was in the front yard building a snowman. She was in the process of packing all the snow into a ball for the middle of the snowman while Evie was inside getting a carrot and some other things for their creation. Once she had finished making a giant snowball, Mal carefully lifted it up and put it on top of the first ball she had made before going onto making another one. 

However, just as she bent back down to the ground to get some more snow she heard a branch snap from somewhere in the woods. Mal lifted her head up to check through the trees to see what had made that sound. But she didn't see anything, which was weird because she had clearly heard something. She shrugged it off as she got back to finishing hers and Evie's snowman.

"I'm back!" She heard Evie shout as she came running out of the house and over to her. "What do you think of all this stuff?"

Mal paused her effort of packing more snow into a ball to take a look at what all Evie had brought out with her for their snowman. She saw Evie had gotten one of her buffalo plaid scarves, a black baseball cap, a carrot of course, and a pair of mittens. "Yeah, this all looks great! Now can you please come help me finish this ball?"

Evie quickly nodded as she put all of her things down and helped Mal pack all the snow together in the shape of a ball before helping her put it on top of the previous balls completing their snowman's body. "This looks so good! Hey, do you think you could go and find some little stones and a couple of twigs for the snowman? There should be a ton in the woods." Evie said to Mal.

"Yeah sure! I'll be right back." Mal replied as she went running off into the woods to go and find what Evie had asked for.

It didn't take her too long after stepping into the woods to find the stones and twigs. She smiled as she bent down to the ground to pick them up. But as she was down on the ground, she spotted a pair of hooves not too far from where was. She lifted her head up and her eyes widened in amazement at the sight of a reindeer practically right in front of her. She slowly stood and backed away slowly before running off to go get Evie.

"Mal, where are the twigs?" Evie asked as she saw Mal running back but empty handed.

"Evie you have got to come with me right now!" Mal yelled to her as she grabbed her hand and pulled Evie along with her into the woods.

"Why? Where are you taking me?" Evie asked as she was confused by Mal taking her over to the woods.

"I found one of Santa's reindeer! Look, it's over there!" Mal said in a quieter voice upon seeing the reindeer again.

"Um Mal, that's just a reindeer it's not Santa's. He's not real." Evie informed her.

Mal gasped in offense to Evie's statement. "How dare you say such a thing! Santa is real! And it looks like he lost one of his reindeer, we have to get it back to him." Mal said as she began to creep closer to the animal.

"Mal we can't just return a wild animal to a person who doesn't exist, now get back here." Evie whispered to her.

"No! Santa is going to need him, he needs to go back!" Mal whisper yelled back to her continuing to slowly approach the reindeer.

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