Beach Day

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The core four were dancing to the music blasting through the speakers as Evie drove them in Clarabelle. They were going to the beach for a little weekend vacation. Henry had let them use his beach house that was on the beach. But out of nowhere, Evie turned off the music.

"Hey! We were listening to that!" Mal whined at Evie.

"Calm down, M." Evie told her. "We're here."

"Oh yeah!" The boys yelled excitedly as they flew out of their seatbelts and out of Clarabelle.

"Carlos, get the volleyball net!" Jay yelled to Carlos.

Carlos ran to the back of Clarabelle, getting out the volleyball net and the volleyball, before he and Jay ran towards the beach.

"I'm going to catch the biggest waves!" Mal yelled.

"With what? You can't catch water." Evie said.

"You know what I mean, E." Mal replied before running off to towards the ocean, but not before Evie pulled her back.

"Not so fast, missy. You need to put on sunscreen." Evie told her getting out her rather large tube of sunscreen.

Mal groaned but just let Evie put it on her. "I don't even need this stuff."

"Trust me, Mal. Yes, you do." Evie informed her. "With that pale skin tone of yours, you'd fry off a whole layer of your skin, go home feeling like a paralyzed tomato, and wish you had listened to me."

"You sound as if you're speaking from experience." Mal pointed out.

"Ha! That would be funny!" Evie replied. "Boys get back here! You need to put some on too!"

"I'm not putting on any of that skin poison!" Jay yelled back at her.

"This is not skin poison! That would be the sun!" Evie continued yelling.

"Oh look at me in the sunlight, and I'm not sizzling!" Jay mocked as he and Carlos got further and further away.

"Not yet!" She told them as she began putting sunscreen on Mal's face.

"Ugh! My face too?!"

"Yes! Your face can fry just as easily as any other part of your body." Evie told her. "Anyway, Mal help me put this on, I have to have flawless skin at all times."

Mal rolled her eyes as she helped Evie put on her sunscreen, before Evie put on her designer sunglasses, and they walked towards the sand. "You gonna play volleyball with us, E?" Mal asked.

Evie laughed. "Uh, no. I'm gonna sit under this umbrella and look at my magazine and enjoy this fine day at the beach." She replied.

Mal shrugged at her, before jogging over to the boys. "Ok, boys! Let's play!" She said going to the other side of the net across from the two boys. "Get ready to have your butts kicked!"

"Yeah, I'd like to see the day that happens." Jay joked.

"Well, that's today, Jay." Mal replied giving him her "innocent" smile that let everyone know that she was the exact opposite of innocent.

Jay rolled his eyes playfully at her before tossing her the ball so she could serve. Which Mal did and Carlos hit it right back to her, but Mal, of course, gave it right back to them. Jay went to dive for it, but he missed and ended up with a face full of sand.

Mal burst out laughing at him. "Haha! You missed!" She yelled pointing her finger at him.

Jay just tossed the ball at her once more so she could serve it. But Mal ended up hitting the ball a little too hard and it went flying through the air. And Mal could see it was heading right for Evie who was looking at her mirror applying some of her apple red lipstick. But all of a sudden that ball hit her, causing her to smear her lipstick across her face. She screamed.

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