A Descendants Christmas (Final Part)

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Mal's eyes shot open as she woke up from the bright sun shining on her face. She got up from her bed and approached the window before pulling back the curtains to see a fresh blanket of snow covering the ground. It was here, Christmas Day, and Mal couldn't be more excited and so she ran over to Evie's bed to wake her up.

"Evie! Come on, get up already! It's Christmas!" She yelled before she just decided to roll Evie off her bed when the girl just wouldn't get up.

Evie let out a scream as she fell against the floor, she then stood up and gave Mal a death glare. "Why did you do that?!" She asked her.

"Because it's Christmas morning and I want to open my presents!" Mal yelled out excitedly.

Evie let out a laugh as she fixed her bed sheets and put on her shoes. "Well then let's head over to Audrey's dorm." She told Mal as that was where they had all decided to meet to open their gifts.

"Yes!" Mal said as she quickly put on her shoes before getting out all the presents she had bought for all her friends and following Evie out the door and to Audrey's dorm.

When they got there, Jay was already in there and were just waiting for the other two boys to arrive. "Merry Christmas you guys!" Evie said to the couple as they sat down on one of the couches.

"Merry Christmas! Who's ready to open presents?" Audrey asked as she took the presents and put them under her tree.

"Me! I'm so ready! Give me a present!" Mal yelled barely able to contain her excitement.

"Mal, you seriously need to take a chill pill." Evie told her friend.

"Oh I got some right here." Jay said as he took a couple of M&M's out of his pocket and handed them to Mal.

"Ooo yay! The red ones are my favorite!" Mal squealed about to take the candy but she was stopped from doing so after Evie had smacked her hand away. "Hey!"

"Jay, Mal is already wild enough you don't need to make her worse."

"But it's so fun to watch you try to deal with her." Jay said as he put the M&M's back in his pocket.

"We're here!" Carlos declared as he and Henry entered into the dorm carrying their presents.

"Ok now that we're all here, we can begin passing out the presents!" Audrey said after she had put the last of the presents under the tree. Mal did a little happy dance from her seat after the announcement from Audrey, she was still overly excited, but can you blame her? It was Christmas for crying out loud! "The first present is for Mal, from Evie."

"Yes! It's for me!" Mal yelled as she excitedly took the present from Audrey and ripped it open as fast as she could. She gasped in surprise when she saw that Evie had gotten her a brand new set of pencils for her drawings. "You're the best E!"

Evie smiled as she leaned over to give Mal a hug. "You're welcome M. I knew you'd like them."

"Aw that's so sweet! Anyway, the next present is for..hey, this ones for me from Jay." Audrey said as she opened it up to find that Jay had gotten her a...blender. "You got me a blender?"

"You're not exactly the easiest person to shop for, not to mention the fact that you're a literal princess who pretty much has everything she could ever want." Jay told her. "I figured you might not have your own blender, so I grabbed it. And now you can make your own smoothies!"

"That is true I suppose. Thanks babe, you are pretty thoughtful." She said to him as she gave him a kiss. "And now, the next present is for Carlos from Mal."

"Alright! Let's see what you got me." Carlos smirked over at Mal as he opened the present to find that she had gotten him the game he had been wanting for the longest time, Fortnite. "You actually got me this?!"

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