[44]- Tre Cookie

448 27 22
  • Dedicated to Cookies killed by Tre

The rest of the holiday was really good. In fact, it was the best-first-holiday I have ever had. Anyway, so I'm laying in bed right now, looking up at the ceiling, just thinking. I've already been in this place for about four months. It went quick I can tell you that. So, today is the 25th of December. Christmas Day. I've never really had a proper Christmas before, so I was excited. But y'know. Every day that goes pass is another day with Tyler, and I should be over it by now. But I guess I'm not.

I looked at my phone. Nine in the morning. I should probably get up. I had a shower, tried to tame my hair, which trust me, wasn't easy and pulled on some clothes. I wore my dark green converse to be in the Christmassy mood, some jeans, a shirt and a hoodie. I didn't really have any Christmas day appropriate clothes.

I jogged downstairs, hoping that someone would be awake.

"Merry Christmas DK!" Jakob smiled as he examined one of his presents under the tree. Wait a second. The tree.

"Holy Shit!" I said "Look at all the presents!"

"I know right! There is like one million and four!"

"I've never gotten a present from anyone else before, like my parents" I said "This is awesome"

"Oh, speaking of parents, Mom and Dad are gonna be back any minute now, Joey is getting dressed"

"Okay cool" I said "What's for breakfast?"

"After we open some presents, Dad said he is gonna make bacon and eggs"

"Yum" I smiled "And Merry Christmas". After a while, Billie and Adrienne arrived home. They had gone out to get some extra presents that they had to pick up today, so they had hidden them in the garage. Well, thats what Jakob told me.

We sat around the tree together. Adrienne handed us our stockings which were awesome, because they had our names sewn onto them.

After we all said thanks, we looked inside them. In my stocking I got a packet of picks, which was good because Mike permanently borrowed mine two months ago. I also got heaps of candy of all kinds. Sour patch kids, M&M's, Reece's Pieces. All the good stuff.

"Thanks guys" I smiled "This is awesome"

"No problem, you still got the presents under the tree"

"Really?You got me more presents?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't we? Its Christmas!"

"Thanks!" I said as I joined Jakob and Joey with ripping open presents. I ended up with a Guitar Strap that had flames on it, some band shirts, a new pair of converse, a ukulele which was bright red and some glow-in-the-dark guitar strings, because Billie said I can put those on when I go on another show, which surprised me because I didn't know I was going on another show, or that there were glow-in-the-dark strings fro your guitar.

"You guys have one more present" Billie said "Follow me". We followed him and Adrienne out into the garage where we saw three things that were covered up with sheets. Billie ripped them off.

"Merry Christmas!" He yelled. There were three go-karts! This was fricken amazing!

"Woah!" I gasped as I walked over to the one that had my name on the number plate.

"Wow!" Jakob and Joey said.

"Thanks so much!" I said as I hugged Adrienne and Billie.

"No problem kiddo" Billie said as he messed up my hair. We looked at our new go-karts. Mine was red and had yellow rims. It was really awesome. It was motorised for extra speed. On the back and the front of the kart, there was a number plate that read 'Dakota 99'. Jakob and Joey's were similar but had different colour schemes. Joey's was black and purple and Jakob's was blue and green.

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