[3]- My long-lost Daughter

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Billie's P.O.V

I heard the door bell echo through my house. "Joey, Jakob, Adrienne, she's here, get ready" I yelled as I turned off the television and got up and moved towards the door. We all stood together at the door as I pulled it open revelaing my un-known daughter.

She looked just like me. Her hair was black and reached down the here mid-back. Her eyes were a dark green and outlined by a line of black eyeliner. She was wearing a Blink182 shirt and long, worn out skinny jeans which were ended by a pair of red, broken, and hole-filled pair of converse.

"Hello, you must be Dakota" Adrienne said as she welcomed the girl in. "Let me get that for you" Jakob said as he reached for Dakota's bag. "Thanks" She smiled. I saw the guitar that she had over her sholder. It was a gibson. I could tell that the strings has been cut and it was chipped and scratched. We made our way to the living room and we all sat down. "Let me introduce everyone" I started "My name is Billie Joe, this is Adrienne my wife, and my two sons Jakob and Joey". Dakota smiled to everyone, still looking nervous. "So, why don't you tell us a little about yourself Dakota" Adrienne asked.

"Uhm. My name is Dakota Roderick. Well I guess not anymore" she laughed quietly "I'm 14, I used to have a brother but..." everyone looked a Dakota with sympathy. Everyone had heard about what happened to Tyler. "I know guitar. I love to skate. And I play baseball" she finished.

"Great. The boys play baseball at the local club, you should join" I said. "Yeah, we need more girls on the team." Joey explained. "I'll think about joining up then" she replied.

We finished introducing ourselves and started the tour of the house.

Dakota's P.O.V

Oh. My. Freaking. God. Billie Joe Armstrong is my dad. I pinched myself. Nope. Not dreaming. I guess it all adds up. We are really similar. Looks and personality. "This is the kitchen, also known as the 24/7 all you can eat buffett" Joey laughed. Adrienne gave him a look that made him stop. "You've already seen the living room, so we will make our way over here" Billie said. Well Dad. Nah, I'm gonna stick with calling him Billie Joe for now. "This is the music room. It's soundproof so if you want to play or anything, feel free" Billie smiled. The walls were covered in record albums and awards. It was lined with a row of guitars. Acoustic and electric. Amps surrounded the chairs. "I'm in a band. It's called Green Day. So we practice in her quite often when we're not on tour" he said "Have you heard of them?" he asked. "Yeah, i've heard of them" I answered hoping that he would never find out about my spotify playlist. "Moving on" Joey sighed, knowing that the tour would be long.

"This is your room" Adrienne said. "I heard you didnt have alot of stuff, so Billie went out and brought you some things from what he knew about you already" I looked in the room. It was awesome. The walls were red and a king bed sat pressed up against the wall. A desk sat on the other side of the room with a macbook pro sitting waiting to be used. "Woah. Thanks. I've never had one before" I said. "What, a laptop?" asked Joey "No, a room to myself" they all looked at me strangley. "I've always shared one with Tyler..." I stopped for a minute. A image of the last baseball game flashed into my head. "If you want anyone to talk to, we are here" Adrienne said patting me on the back. "Thanks" I repeated. "Now, you're probably really tired, so I'm going to let you rest for now. I'll call you when dinner is ready" Billie smiled.

I threw my bag and suitcase onto my bed and started to unpack. I still couldnt believe it. I was the daughter of my favorite band's lead singer.

I walked into my walk-in-robe. It was already filled with a closet full of shirts. Blink-182, All time Low, My Chemical Romance. All of my favourite bands. I pulled out a Blink-182 shirt. It was signed! Billie must of had to pull some strings to get these. I looked around more. It was filled with skinny jeans and shoes. Man, I love it here already.

I kept walking down until I was met with a door. It couldnt be. Could this be my own bathroom? I opened the door to find my wish had come true. I had my own shower. The basin had shampoo's and conditioners, soap, a towel and other products. Adrienne must of gotten them for me.

I got up and walked over to my bed again. Slowly drifting off to sleep...

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