[8]- Soda Pop and Ritalin

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My first day of school was pretty bad. The rest of the week was fine. Though I was pushed around a but by the same girls, they didn't do anything as bad as what they did on the first day. But today was Friday, and Friday's are the best day of the week, so hopefully it will go good too.

"See ya guys" Billie said as we hoped out of his car "Remember, you guys have to walk home today, I'm not gonna be here to pick you up". Jakob and I nodded and he drove Joey off to his school which was a few blocks away from ours.

"So, Dakota, how's the new school going for you?" Jakob asked.

"It's going pretty good." I said.

"Hows the new life?" he joked.

"Better than my other one" I replied "But it feels like something is missing. Like I left something behind."

Jakob could tell that I was thinking about Tyler.

"Y'know, when my Grandad died, well my Dad's dad, he wrote a song to cope"

"Wake me Up when sepetmber ends?"

"Yeah. Thats the one"

"Maybe you could fined something that makes you feel better about Tyler, it might even be music like my Dad"

"Yeah. Maybe"

"He was talking about how he was really exited for you to play backup sometimes. Mike and Tre really want you too"

"Yeah. But I'm a 14 year old girl. I wouldnt fit in with the band"

"Trust me, i've heard you play, you will fit in"

"Thanks Jakob"

"No problem" he smiled "I gotta go to my first class. We have science together next don't we?"

"Yeah, i'm pretty sure"

"See you then" Jakob waved goodbye as he met with his classmates at his classroom. I walked over to my room for English, and with all my luck, the same girls were also in the same class.

"Well look who it is" she snarled "The little emo girl"

"Shutup Helena"

"What was that?" I didn't reply.

"Thats what I thought. Now why don't you go and play with your Dad's crappy little band"

"So since when did you think that sold out shows, thousands of fans, and over 200 songs was crappy?" I said "Just shut up"

As I walked into the classroom, Helena and her friends sat behind me.

"Everyone come up and grab a textbook" Mrs. Edson said as she placed a pile of textbooks on her desk. Everyone stood up.

"Beast before beauty" Helena laughed as she looked at me.

I stepped back and motioned for her to walk past, which she did. She never seemed to be the smart one. I grabbed a textbook from the pile and walked back to my desk.

"If I were Tyler, I would be happy I was dead. I wouldn't want her as my sister either." Helena hissed "Imagine been her twin".

Thats it. I've had enough with Helena and her stupid friends. I stood up from my desk. "Dakota sit down this instant" the teacher ordered. "Ohh. She's also a wannabe bad-ass" Helena snapped "Like her father". I turned around a kicked Helena's desk, sending her falling back onto the ground. I would of punched the shit out of her, but I thought I'd better let her live. I sat back down and put my head on my desk.

"Dakota Armstrong!" The teacher screamed "Report to the princible's office immediatly!" she pointed out the door and then ran over to Helena who looked like a turtle who had been flipped on its shell.

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