[25]- Revisiting memories

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We met up wit Jakob, Joey and Adrienne in the morning. Today was the day of Tyler's memorial service that Billie and Adrienne had organised. I wore a dress, surprisngly, that was black and had a red ribbion on it.

"You look very pretty Dakota" Billie said as he tied his tie "I'm proud that you are doing this"

"Thanks" I replied "Tyler would of wanted us to do this". We got into the rented car and drove to my old school where the memorial was going to be scheduled. I looked out the window. I saw the old skatepark that Tyler and I learned to skate, the corner where we would busk, the baseball field where we had our last moments together. "Are you okay DK?" Jakob asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine...this place just reminds me of some stuff". Then we drove past our house. "That's where I used to live" I said as I pointed towards the old, run down house. My mom's rusted car was pulled out in the front with another car next to it. "Looks like she's dragged someone in" I said. "Talk about an upgrade in houses" Joey said "That house is shit!". Adrienne looked back at Joey and gave him a look. "That house sucked" I said.

We turned into the school, and to my surprise, there were alot of cars there for a Sunday. We got out of the car and walked into the auditorium. The room was filled with people I knew. Kids we would hang out with in school, our baseball team and some of the teams we versed, people from the skatepark that Tyler made friends with and even some of our Teachers were there. There was one person who wasn't though, and it was Mom. Why the fuck didn't she come to her own son's memorial. We all took a seat in the front. I sat next to Billie and Adrienne. Before it started, I talked to some of the kids and teachers.

"Hey Dakota" One of our teachers said "I'm sorry about Tyler, he was a good kid"

"Yeah...it wasn't fair, the way he left". We finshed talking and I turned around to see our baseball team.

"Koda!" They smiled. "Hey guys, how's it been going?"

"We won the finals...it wasn't the same though, since you and Tyler wern't there" Riely said "We miss you...alot"

"Thanks guys, I miss you too". I fininshed saying hello to people I might not get the chance to talk to again. Then it started to begin. I took my seat next to Billie and watch the Coach Phil, who was our baseball coach, host the memorial, like I had asked him too.

"Good-Morning friends and family of Tyler Roderick" he began "Today we gather her to celebrate the short life of Tyler". I pulled out the scrunched up piece of paper from my pocket and looked at it. I had written a speech for Tyler, and I was going to be speaking soon.

I stood up and walked over to the stand and opened up my speech. I looked out onto the crowd. Billie gave a one of those 'You can do it' smiles.

"Hello, my name is Dakota Armstrong, and as some of you may of already know, I'm Tyler's twin sister" I said " He was remarkable in so many ways. He lived his life to the fullest and touched so many people during his time here with us, as evident by so many of you here today. Tyler wasn't only my twin brother, he was also my best friend. Tyler had something special about him. He never complained, he was never mad at anyone, he just wanted to stop bad things from happening to those around him"

"I remember when we were both 12, Tyler and I wanted to save up to by a new guitar to share. We would play our acoustic guitar on the corner of the street in Time's Square for money, since we were too young for a job. One day, someone stole the 180 dollars that we had worked for. I was sad, but Tyler told me this 'Some people need to eat, some people need to feed their kids, some people just need money sometimes". He was never mad at anyone, not even those who did bad against him".

"Tyler and I grew up roughly. We were alway's there for eachother, which helped us cope with the place where we lived. Tyler was kind, generous and friendly. I have put a video together to share with you today".

The video started to play, it went through various photo's of Tyler growing up. Our first birthday, his first guitar, everything that he would of wanted. By the time the video ended, a couple of people were crying. Billie was. I sat back down and wiped a tear away from my face. "Well done Dakota, you did good" Adrienne told me. I looked over at Billie, who looked pretty sad. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah...thanks, I just wish I was there for you both" he told me looking down at his feet. "It's okay, you tried your best". Billie hugged me and I hugged him back.

Jakob's P.O.V

I never knew Tyler, but from all the thing's i've heard about him, he seemed like nice person. At the end of the service, I walked around the room while Dakota introduced me to some of her friends.

"This is Oliver and Blaise" She told me. She pointed a some guy, and then she pointed to Blaise. "Woah. Hi" I said. "Sup" Oliver said.

"Hello" Blaise replied "So you're a friend of Dakota?"

"Yeah, i'm her brother"

"That's cool, so I heard you come from Oakland? I live there, I'm on a holiday down here now, and heard about Tyler's memorial so I stopped to pay my respects"

"That's cool, how about we catch up some time back home?"

"Sure, that sounds nice" she smiled.


Dakota's P.O.V

By the time we had gotten back to our hotel, it was pouring down with rain and tonights concert had to be postponed untill tomorrw since it was outisde. I sat at the table with Billie, Adrienne, Jakob, Joey, Mike and Tre.

"I'm very proud of you Dakota, you did very well out there today" Adrienne smiled

"Thanks, it was hard"

"That's understandable, would you like some more coke?" I nodded and she pured me another glass and then Jakob's. "I see that Tyler was a Green Day fan?" Billie said. "Yeah, we both were, we even snuck out one night to go to a concert".

"Really? Thats pretty badass" he laughed "You'll be playing with Green Day tomorrow night"

"Looking forward to it".

I didn't sleep well that night, I wasn't sad, or happy, or mad or anything. I was just thinking too hard. But I knew I had to get some sleep because tomorrow was going to be a big day.

Author's Note

Thanks for the reads everyone. Sorry if the chapters are a bit dull, but I was very tired while writing this :) COmment, follow, anf vote :)

TacoTurtle2029's Pun #3

Never trust an atom, they make up everything.

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