[49]- Homecoming

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Blaise's P.O.V

Shit. What have I got myself into? I looked around the street, it was cold, old papers were dancing in the wind, a street lamp was flickering in the distance and glass was scattered on the road beneath my feet. Why would I run away in the first place? Ever since my Dad died, Mom's been bringing home all these douche-bags. I just wanted to get away from it all. Now that I am, I'm scared shit-less.

"Wanna buy some..." Some old guy said, he paused as he looked around "Some weed?". He was a sketchy looking guy, I didn't want anything to do with him. I quickly walked past him, trying to avoid eye-contact.

I looked at my phone. I don't know why I kept checking it, it had zero percent. I sat down on a bench, I didn't know where I was. Somewhere in California I guess. I opened my bag. I brought some clothes, not much but enough. I brought my charger, thinking I would be able to couch surf, but I didn't know anyone around here. I guess I knew Steve, the guy who tried to sell me a free-gun earlier today, I said no, but we got into a deep conversation about his ex-wife. 

I had one other thing in my bag, a photo of Jakob and I. Cheesy, I know. But it felt like Jakob was the only person who paid attention to me lately. My Mom was always having fun with some dick that she brought in, she barely even recognized me anymore.

I want to go home now, not because I miss my Mom, but I miss Jakob. I can picture him now, all sad. I'm a jerk for running away. I put the photo in the pocket of my jacket and go back up. It was about nine at night now, and I didn't want to hang around this place. 

I ended up somewhere familiar. Thank God, because ever where else seems dangerous. I was in a forest. I've been here before, with Jakob and Dakota. I followed the trail until I reached a tree-house. Now I remember this place, Dakota and Jakob had built a tree-house here a while ago. I climbed up the rope ladder and chucked my stuff on the ground. This could be a good place to stay for a while.

Jakob's P.O.V

It's been a day since Blaise went missing, and it's felt like a century. I wish I knew where she was, because I really miss her. I stared up at my ceiling. It was about 7am, and unlike every other day, I was awake.

"Hey Jakob" Dakota said as she knocked on my door, she was also dressed.

"Hey DK" I replied.

"Wanna go to the tree-house?"

"I dunno" I shrugged "I miss Blaise too much"

"It'll get your mind off things" She said. She was right, because it probably would. I got up and grabbed my jacket. We said goodbye to Dad and rod our bikes down to the forest.

"Shh" Dakota said as we parked our bikes under neath the tree. "I think someone is in there". I listened carefully, we could hear music. 

"What if it's Helena again?" Dakota whispered.

"Lets go up and check" I said. 

"You first" She replied. We both quietly snuck up the ladder. Holy Fuck Ducks.

Blaise's P.O.V

I woke up been strangled. Wait no, hugged. I opened my eyes to see Jakob.

"Blaise! Blaise! Blaise! Blaise!" He was grinning ear to ear.

"Jakob!" I smiled, still a bit startled.

"Where were you? What happened? Are you okay?" He asked all at once.

"I'm fine, don't worry"

"What happened though?"

"Just stuff at home, I need to get out"

"You scared the shit outta me Blaise!" He sighed in relief "You were on the news"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, yesterday morning" Dakota added "You're labelled as missing"

"Oh Shit" I said

"Yeah, you better go tell your Mom you're okay"

"I don't want to go back there"


"Because of that dude"

"Oh. I'll come with you"

"Its okay, you don't have to do that"

"But I want to"

"Jakob, I can do it myself"

"Fine" He said, looking disappointed.

"I'll go tell Mom then" I said.

"Well Dakota and I will tell our parents, they we're worried for you"


"Yeah. The whole family was"

"That's nice to know" I smiled. It felt good to feel loved. After Jakob and I talked for a bit, I went home. Dakota went home before I did, so she could tell everyone I was okay. I feel good to be home, back in Jakob's arms. It felt better. 


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