[43]- God Dammit Tre

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"Dakotaaaaaaaaaa!" Jakob sang as he ripped open the curtains.

"Ahhhh!" I hissed "Not the light!".

"C'mon, we're going to Universal today" he said "So, you better get ready"

"Oh yeah, I'll be out in a second". I got changed in the normal stuff. A pair of jeans, a nifty pair of scuffed up converse, a One Direction shirt. Don't worry, I'm kidding I wore a Sex Pistols shirt and a jacket.

We left at about 9am and went to Universal Studios, which wasn't too long of a drive from our hotel. We grabbed a map and decided what rides we would go on first. Tre said that we all had to go on the Jurassic Park ride, because he had been on it, and it was really good, so we agreed with Tre and made our way over to the ride.

"I'm soooooo bored!" Tre whined "When will this line end?"

"You chose the ride Tre" Billie said

"Yeah, but I didn't know we would be in the line for and hour!"

"We've been in the line for" Billie checked his watch "Four minutes"

"The line is moving!" Tre clapped. We move forward and got onto the ride. Tre sat at the front, because he told us he would get a better view of the T-Rex, so we all sat next to him hoping we would.

After the ride, which was really, really, really awesome we decided to go and grab some lunch.

"I think we ought to get some ice-cream" I said.

"That sounds like a delicious plan" Mike added. We all went over to one of the restaurants they had first, which was the one in the Harry Potter part of the park. We all sat at a table, which was hard to find one big enough to seat Billie, Adrienne, Joey, Jakob, Tre, Sara-Rose, Frankito, Mike, Brittney, Brixton, Ryan and me. So twelve people. But we got a table.

I ordered the fish and chips with the butter-beer. Tre' somehow managed to get something off the children menu because he didn't like anything on the other menu. I think he got the mac and cheese.

"Okay, what ride next?" Brittney asked after we had all finished our lunch "What about the transformers ride?"

"Sounds good" Sara-Rose replied. We made our way over to the ride and lined up. After we got on, I'd have to say, it was fucking awesome!


We got home later that night. We ended going on nearly every ride, which was good because they all were really awesome. We got McDonalds for dinner and ended up going back to our hotels to go to sleep pretty early, since everyone was really tired.

I was sitting on my bed. I had my laptop on my lap. I clicked on Skype.

DakotaRoderick is online

I should update this, geez.

Dakota: Hey guys!

Oliver: Woah! Dakota! You haven't been on for ages! How's it going?

Dakota: Pretty good. We went to Universal Studios today with Tre' and Mike's families, it was pretty awesome.

Oliver: You went to Universal Studios with Green Day????

Dakota: You get used to it :)

Elly Jones is online

Elly: Hey guys, who's online?

Oliver: Yo

Dakota: Hey Elly

Elly: Dakota! Where have you been lately?

Dakota: Well after Tyler died, I moved to California. I live with my Dad now.

Elly: I was wondering where you went. How's you Dad?

Dakota: He is really cool.


Elly: No fucking way!

Dakota: Yup

Oliver: She even went to Universal with the other members of Green Day today!

Elly: OMG! Thats awesome!

Dakota: It is, but you get used to it haha

Oliver: So hows everything else going?

Dakota: Pretty good, I went on tour and everything.

Elly: No way! That's awesome dude!

Oliver: I saw that! It was on the internet, you looked really cool

Dakota: Thanks guys. We haven't talked in forever, but I have to go. Billie said I need to go to sleep.

Elly: Tell him I say Hi!

Oliver: Yeah, me too!

Dakota: Haha, okay guys. See you later!

Oliver: Bye Daks!

Elly: Bye Dakota!

DakotaArmstrong is now offline

"My friends from New York say Hi" I told Billie as he walked into my room.

"Tell them I said Hello back" He smiled as he sat next to me.

"Thanks Dad" I said

"For what?"

"For everything" I said "For bringing me to live with you, for all the stuff you got me, for this holiday"

"Oh, no problem Dakota"

"Well, Goodnight Dad" I smiled

"G'night D'koda" He yawned "See you in the morning, love you" He closed the door.

"Love you too Dad" I whispered.

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