[32]- Truths, Lies and in between

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I sunk into my chair when I saw Billie walk into the room. Just the look on his face was enough to make me know that he probably wanted to punch me in the face. He sat down on the chair next to me as the principle told him too.

“Sorry i had to call you in today Mr. Armstrong, but as I said over the phone, your daughter has been found with drugs in her locker”

“I’m sure this is some sort of mistake, Dakota wouldn’t do that” Billie said.

“Sir” I said “If you just listen to me I can explain everything”

“This is no place for excuses Dakota”

“God Dammit!” Billie yelled “Give her a chance to talk”. The principle nodded and let me talk.

“Look, it was all Helena” I started “This morning she came up to me and told me to hide it, I didn’t want to but she wouldn’t shut up”

“Then explain to me why Helena was the one who accused you?”

“Because she fucking hates me!”

“Dakota, that language won’t be tolerated in this school”

“She hates me Sir, she always has”

“I’ll talk to Helena then”. He left Billie and I in the room alone. I looked down at my feet, trying to avoid eye-contact.

"Y'know that I know you didn't do it right?" Billie said

"How come you look'd sad"

"I'm just pissed Helena can get away with all this shit"

"I'm pretty stupid" I said twirling one of the pencils from the desk in my fingers "I shouldn't of agreed to take it"

"It's not your fault" Billie said "She set you up" I shrugged. 

"Something came in the mail today" Billie said as he tried to change the subject.

"What?" I asked looking up at him.

"It's a surprise" Billie smirked

"C'mon" I whined "I hate surprises"

"Too Bad" Billie said "When we get home it wont be a surprise anymore". After the prinible came back in after he talked with Helena he told be that I had to have 1 week detention, for actually just holding it. Billie got pretty mad, so I only have 3 days now. 

We arrived home and I walked inside. On the table was Tyler's guitar. It was pretty similar to Blue, Billie's first guitar except it was red. It was covered in stickers and had T.R written on it. He wanted it to be like Billie's.

"Oh My God" I said as I ran over to it "It's Tyler's guitar"

"Yup" Billie smiled

"Thanks Dad" I said as I swung it over my shoulder and started to pluck the strings.

"Oh" he added "I have some good news"

"What?" I asked as I admired Tyler's guitar in my hands

"You've been asked to do an interview on ellen"

"What? Really?"

"They want to talk to you about your new life and going on tour and all that"

"That's awesome" I smiled "When is it?"

"It's tomorrow night" he said "Everyone is gonna be there for you"

"Sweet" I said. I brought Tyler's guitar up to my room and put it on one of my stands. I opened up my laptop.

One new email from: EllenDeGeneres@gmail.com (Interview)

Hello Dakota,

We are please to inform you that we would like to have you on our show tomorrow. 

We will be talking about your life and having the chance to go on tour with Green Day.

We look forwrad to seeing you there!

The team at Ellen

This was going to be awesome. About an hour later, I went downstairs for dinner. 

"Congrats on the interview" Joey said as he put some vegetables on his plate

"Thanks" I replied "I'm looking foward to it"

"We will all be there" Adrienne added "So, so are we" she smiled.

"What happend at school today?" Jakob asked me

"Helena tried to frame me" 

"Man I hate that chick" Joey said "And her brother"

"Tell me bout it" I said "I hate her too". 

Author's Note

Thankyou for 800+ reads, thats wicked. Please remember to vote, comment and follow, if ya wanna.

TacoTurtle2029's pun #8

I've been reading something very interesting — Stephen Hawking's latest book about anti-gravity.

I just can't put it down.

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