[26]- A spoonful of sugar

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'Methylphenidate 20mg. Take once a day to relieve the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder'. I read the bottle of pills. Billie had picked up the Ritalin yesterday while I was at school and today was going to be the first day of taking it.

Billie handed me a glass of water as I swallowed the tablet.

"Thanks, " I said "I really hope this helps"

"It should" Billie told me as he washed my cup "We gotta get you off to school". I jumped off my seat and went to the car. Jakob jumped in the front and I took the back seat. I was looking forward to see how this medication would actually affect me, whether it be in a good way, or a bad way.


Billie told us that we had to walk home today because Adrienne was going to be out with one of her friends and Billie was doing something with Mike and Tre. I caught up with Jakob at the front gates of the school.

"How was school?" Jakob asked me "How'd the medicine work?"

"It worked pretty good, I actually got work done" I laughed.

"That's good, " Jakob replied "Can I ask you a favour?"


"Look, I'm going out on a date with Blaise tonight, and I don't want Dad following me around?"

"Oooo" I mocked "So you're gonna get a little smooch with Blaise?"

"What? No!" Jakob defended "I just don't want Dad there, so can you just make sure he doesn't?"

"Yeah sure, but you owe me."

"Okay" he sighed "I'll give you a quarter of my candy for Halloween tomorrow"

"Sure thing" I smiled. I almost forgot that tomorrow was going to be halloween. Tyler and I went every year, even though we were getting sorta old.

We got home and Billie was pulling up in the driveway. We walked inside and Jakob ran upstairs to get ready for his date with Blaise.

"Wanna do something tonight?" Billie asked me as he turned te coffee maker on.

"Sure, what like?" I asked

"We could go see a movie maybe? A father-daughter night"

"That sounds good" I smiled. I'd never had a father-daughter day and neither has Billie.

"Okay, go get ready and we'll get going" Billie smiled as he started to make his coffee. I walked upstairs and got into a pair of jeans, a Beatles t-shirt, a jacket and a pair of converse, which seemed to be the only shoe's I ever wore. I walked downstairs to see Billie ready to go. Jakob had already left, so we hoped into the car and drove to the movie theatre.

Billie brought the tickets for us to go see the movie 'The Hobbit'. We sat down in the seats that we were given and waited for the movie to begin. I looked behind me to see Jakob who was looking at me in a way to say 'What are you guys doing here?!'. I shrugged and turned to Billie.

"What's Jakob doing tonight?" I asked him.

"He told be that he was going to the beach, why?"

"Just wondering". Billie and Jakob had been put together by coincidence, which meant Jakob wasn't going to be happy if Billie started to embarrass him.


When the movie was over, Jakob waited for Billie and I to get out. He really wanted to avoid Billie tonight because of reasons that I did not want to know. When we got home, Jakob came into my room.

"Dude!" He yelled as he shot his arms into the air "I made a deal!"

"I didn't know you were going to the movies" I said "Neither did Dad"

"Yeah, but your job was to keep him away" Jakob whined

"I'm sorry" I said

"Fine. But you get less than a quater of my candy tomorrow for poor work"

"Fine. But not the crappy candy"

"How'd you know my plan!"

"Tyler used to do that to me" I said "You can't fool me" We laughed.

Author's Note


Just wanted to say that me, and my good internet friend Blaise (GreenDay_is_life) are creating a wonderful story together on my profile. It's called 'Sweet Children' so if ya wanna read it, you should.

TacoTurtle2029's Pun #IDontKnowWhatNumberWeAreUpToSoJustPretendIKnow

How did Mister Nucleus escape from prison? Through the cell wall.

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