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In celebration of this books One-Year Anniversary, I'd like to thank all of you for reading, voting and commenting. 

You guys helped me take an interest in writing, and explore new careers :)

This book has introduced me to some really amazing people. A hand full of them I'd like to thank personally.

DiamondRae you're my best friend. We've being through a lot together in the last year. Birthdays, Crushes, School. Everything. I'm very thankful I met you.

joey_409_ Joey!! You're awesome, and quite frankly, one of the most caring and kind people I know. You're stronger than you think. Thank-you.

WafflesLUVAH You always vote and comment on my stories. It's so caring of you. You're a great friend, and I hope you know that :)

Gay_Emo_Platypus You've helped me through some shit, and I've helped you back. Thanks, man. You deserve it.

Sorry if I couldn't name you all, but if I didn't, I want you to know that I'm thankful that we've interacted.

Than-kyou for 13,300 reads, 814 votes, and 539 comments.

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