[10]- Headaches and Drumsticks

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I woke up the next morning feeling like a truck had hit me. What the hell happened? I got up to have a shower. I was just about to step into the shower when I realised that I had a cast on my arm. I almos forgot about that thing. I grabbed a plastic bag from the bathroom and covered my arm in it, to avoid it getting wet from the shower.

After I got out of the shower, I straightened my hair and got dressed. I got dressed in a All time low shirt, grey jeans, and a pair of black converse. I made my way downstairs without trying to fall over. Billie and Adrienne were sitting down at the table eating breakfast. Billie's hair was all messed up, even more than normal.

"Good Morning" Adrienne smiled as she put her cup of coffee in the sink "How are you feeling?"

"Well first of all I have no idea what happened" I said "But I feel pretty good I guess"

"You were in a fight with Helena at school" Billie explained "She gave you a free concusion with a bonus broken wrist"

"Really?" I sighed "Great. Wheres Joey and Jakob?"

"At school, you're gonna have the day off"

I sighed. The last thing I wanted to do was to look like a weak loser in front of the whole school.

"I'm kidding, their both at their friends house, its Saturday" Billie laughed.

I sat down at the table. The kitchen was big. The cabinets were made from oak and the top of the counters were black marble. Adrienne was always the one who cooked, and Billie was always the one who ordered the pizza. I poured a bowl of cereal and sat back down.

"It's a long weekend today, so you have three days to recover" Adrienne advised "But if you need more time to recover, thats fine with us".

"I think I should be able to recover by Tuesday" I assured "Not my arm though".

"Adrienne?" Billie asked as he put down his newspaper "Can Mike and Tre come over today? We need to practice some stuff"

"Sure" Adrienne approved "I'll make toasties for lunch" Adrienne left the room to go get the washing of the line. I was left in the room with Billie.

"You know" Billie said "When Joey was getting picked on during school, he didn't want to go back. He was scared of Helena's brother. But he realised that all they wanted out of him was for him to be scared and sad.". I looked up at Billie. "I know for a fact that is what Helena wants out of you" he continued "You cant let her be the winner" Billie gave me a smile and walked over to the sink washes out my bowl and his cup.

"Its hard to block her out sometimes" I sighed "She just, she knows what makes me sad"

"Whats that?"

"She talks about Tyler"

Billie breathed in deeply "You know that Tyler loved you. He was your best friend. Helena never even met him. So you know whatever she says abou him, is a lie to bring you down, y'know?". I nodded.

____________________________2 hours later_____________________________________________

Tre and Mike walked through the door. Mike had his guitar over his shoulder and Tre came equipped with his drum sticks. Billie had already told them what had happened yesterday.

"How ya feeling lil' Billie" Tre asked while scruffing my hair.

"Not the best, but i'll be better soon"

"Thats good to hear" Mike smiled.

They walked into the music room with Billie. I wonder if they still wnat me to play backup? I looked down at my cast. Not anytime soon anyway.

I walked up to my room and went on my laptop.


I clicked on the messages.

"Listen here Roderick. You got me suspended for a week. You're gonna pay this time."

"And this time, I'm gonna make sure I have my knife"

"And don't you dare tell anyone about this"

"Because I'm gonna make sure you get what you deserve"

I stared at the screen. Should tell Billie? I can't, he will report it to the school and Helena would find out. I couldnt just not tell anyone that someone wanted to come at me with a knife. I could tell Jakob. I'm sure I could convince him to keep it a secret from Billie. I sat down and waited for Jakob to come home. He should be back before lunch.


When Jakob arrived home he came up to my room.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he sat down on my bed.

"I'm feeling pretty bad, but its gonna be better soon" I said "Can you keep a secret"

He nodded as he sat up and leaned in closer.

"Look. Helena is crazy and you know it" I said "I think she wants to kill me or something"

"What?" he said "She wouldnt go that far, right?"

I opened up my latop and showed him the messaged.

"Shit. We have to tell Dad" he gasped.

"You can't" I said "She will find out"

"Look" I said "Just keep it a secret, please"

"But she is still gonna try and kill you"

"But how about we just stick together untill it gets under control. She knows when to get me, and thats when no one else is around"

"Okay. But if it gets bad, I'm telling Dad"


Hello. If you're reading this, sorry, my writting isnt that good but I enjoy it. If anyone is interseted in helping out just ask :) Please comment and share, it will really help me get this story out here. Thanks for reading so far :)

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