[37] Sibling Rivalry

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"You can't have a crush on my girlfriend!" Jakob yelled, it has been like this for at least 40 minutes now.
"I don't care if she is your girlfriend" Joey snapped back "She's hot". I was sitting downstairs next to Billie. We were carefully listening to the argument that was taking place upstairs.
"Shut the fuck up, I had her first" Jakob yelled.
"Well...I call dibs"
"You can't call dibs, she is already my girlfriend"
"Oh, I'm sorry have you already called it?"
"Yeah when I met her". Billie stood up off the couch. "I better go and sort this out" he said "unless....you want to?".
"You're not giving me a choice are you?"
"Nope, I'm gonna go get one of 80's fresh bakes brownies". I stood up and walked upstairs to see Joey and Jakob fighting in the hallway. "C'mon guys, what's all this about?" I said
"Joey is trying to take Blaise from me!"
"So? She likes me!"
"Alright you guys, Jakob had her first, Joey you find a new girl"
"Dakota!" Joey yelled "you're supposed to be on my side!"
"I'm going to the skate park" I said " are you guys coming?"
"I'm preparing" Jakob said.
"For what?" Joey asked.
"To fight to the death!" He punched Joey in the arm and ran downstairs. I grabbed my skateboard and followed them down. I told Billie that was going to the skatepark, and from what I could tell, through the 8 brownies in his mouth, he told me to be back by five. I skated down to the skatepark, which luckily was only about a 5 or 6 minute walked from the house. It wasn't to crowded, which was probably because it rained the night before.
"Fucking hell do you follow me around or something?" I said to Helena who walked up to me.
"This is my skatepark freak". I looked around. "Oh, im sorry I didn't know your name was council owned". She picked me up by the collar of my shirt and slammed me against the wall.
"Get off me" I yelled at her trying to get out of her grip. Then something really fucking unexpected happened....Helena tried to fucking kiss me?!
"Dude what the fuck?" I yelled as I fell out of her grip "I'm not into girls". She turned red. I could tell she was embarrassed.
"If you tell anyone I will fucking end you" she yelled "You got that?". I nodded quickly. She punched me in the stomach and left the skatepark, and I was left there alone. Okay, now I'm confused. Did she actually try to kiss me? I thought she hated me. I don't care if she is gay or anything, but is this the reason she hated me all this time? Shit. I picked up my skateboard and started to walk home, seeing I was already there for an hour or two.
"Hey Dad" I said as I walked inside "Wow, what happened to you?" I asked him. He was laying on the couch holding his stomach and making whale noises.
"I ate too many of the brownies" he moaned "Leave me here to suffer" he said as he started to fall asleep. I walked upstairs and sure enough, Jakob and Joey were still fighting.
"Are you guys seriously still fighting?"
"Joey said we are gonna flip a coin!" Jakob told me "tell him that's not fair"
"Well it is fair, but Jakob had her first"
"Okay fine!" Joey said "You keep her, but don't get mad it she goes for me instead"
They took there ways and slammed their bedroom doors. The house went quiet, except for Billie snoring downstairs. I put my skateboard down and got into my pyjamas. We had an early dinner today, so I was going go to bed early tonight. I need sleep after what happened today.

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