[19]- Where's Jakob?

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I couldn't remember much about what happened. I could remember why it happened, but just not what happened. It's a bit confusing, I know. When I woke up, I could hear voices in the room.

"Yes, she should be fine" one of the voices said, I couldn't make out who it was "She just needs rest, but she will wake up soon". I heard the man walk out of the room.

"Hmm?" I mumbled, opening my eyes. I saw a bright while room, it was a hospital.

"Dakota!" Adrienne smiled "You're awake"

"What happened?"

"We're trying to work that out at the moment, how do you feel?"

"I feel fine" I said "Where's Jakob? Is he okay?"

"Jakob is in the room next to yours" she told me "Thank you Dakota"

"For what?" I asked.

"If it wasn't for you stopping the bleeding, Jakob wouldn't of been in a stable condition as he is now"

"That's okay" I said "Is he gonna be okay though?"

"He should be fine, he is on antibiotics and he is getting some rest now"

"O..okay" I said "What happened to me then?"

"We don't quite know yet honey, the doctors and Billie think you might of had a panic attack while trying to stop the bleeding and passed out. Devyn and Hunter said you were really pale, so they also think you might of gotten into some type of shock"

"Really? That's never happened before". I looked around the room and looked at my arm. There was a IV in my left arm which was help in place by tape. "Why do I have this?" I asked.

"You needed something to help bring you back up to your normal health, thats all" Adrienne said "I couldn't thank you enough for saving Jakob, I'll go tell Billie that you are awake". Adreinne left the room and went to look for Billie. Did I really pass out? I was still trying to get my head around everything. Billie walked into the room.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he stood next to me

"I'm feeling better I guess, just confused"

"Thanks Dakota. You don't know how much Adrienne, Joey and I are greatful that you did what you did on the mountain. If it wasn't for you, Jakob could of bled out"

"That's okay". Billie hugged me, well, sort of, it was hard since I was laying down in the bed.

"So, what happened to me? I still don't know why I passed out"

"I think you might of had a Panic Attack while up on the mountain, but your pulse was rapid, your blood pressure was not as stable and now you're confused, so they also think you may have gotten into some type of shock."

"Shit" I mumbled "Will Jakob be okay?"

"He's gonna be fine, I promise, he should wake up soon"

"How long is he gonna have to stay in here for?"

"He should only have to stay the night, until he gets better neough to go home, but they are also keeping you in here for the time being to monitor you"

"I've being here for a month and I've already being to the hospital 3 times..."

"Dakota, we don't mind, you're family"

"Thanks" I smiled.


After I was able to take the IV out of my arm, I was allowed to wake around. I walked next door to Jakob's room. Adrienne and Joey were sitting around his bed.

"Hey Dakota!" Jakob smiled

"Hey Jakob" I replied

"Thanks DK, really thanks"

"Thats okay"

"Dude, you saved my life! You're now my favorite sibling"

"Hey!" Joey laughed. We all laughed at Joey's response.

"Is it okay if Mike and Tre come in?" Billie asked "They want to make sure Jakob and Dakota are okay"

"Sure Billie" Adrienne smiled "I'm gonna get dinner, what do you guys want?"

"I don't mind, anything that isn't hospital food"

"I'm with you on that one" Jakob replied

"I'll order thai, Billie, ca you ask Mike or Tre to pick it up on the way?"

"Yeah sure" Billie replied. Adrienne called the resturnaunt and ordered our dinner. She ordered our food, and before we knew it, Tre and Mike had come up to our room holding the take-away. "We brought food!" Tre smiled putting it out on the small table. "Thanks you too" Adrienne smiled sorting the food out.

"So what happened?" Mike asked

"I got bitten by a snake during the school field trip, and Dakota stopped the bleeding, I passed out, then see passed out"

"Wow, talk about having a intresting day at school"

"Are you guys gonna be okay?" Tre asked

"We'll be fine in a day or so" Jakob reassured as he took the plate of food and started eating it. I took ym plate and started to eat it as well, it was pretty good. Mike and Tre stayed for a couple mor ehours talking to Billie and I about the tour. They said the tour will last about a month, it was only a small one that went around America and had one show for each big city. After Mike and Tre left, Jakob went to sleep so I went back to my room to get into my bed. Adrienne and Billie were going to stay the night and Joey was going to drive their car home. Adrienne stayed in Jakob's room and Billie stayed in mine.

"Thanks again Dakota" he told me "We really appreciate it"

"That's okay" I replied "Anytime". Billie fell asleep pretty quickly and shortly after, I was sleeping aswell.

Authors Note

Hurray for Jakob. I just want to say THANKS because I went to bed last night with 29 reads and now I have 67 or something and also lots of votes. THANKS SO MUCH. Please keep reading or teeling people, it would be awesome. If anyone has any suggestions for later chapters, go ahead.

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