[33]- How to tell a story

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Today was the day that I was going to have the interview. Billie said that we could have the day off school because we had to be there early. I decided that I would wear my favorite pair of jeans, the shoes I won from Tyler, my Ramones shirt and a red plaid jacket over it. I starightened my hair and brushed my teeth before I went downstairs.

Everyone was all ready and dressed up. The studio was about an hour away, so we had to leave early to get there in time.


"Hello Dakota" One of the workers smiled "Take a seat, you'll be out in a second". I waved goodbye to Billie as he sat down with Adrienne, Joey and Jakob in the audience. I waited anxiously for my name to be called.

"And next up" I heard Ellen's voice echo from backstage "One night your living in New York and the next you are living the dream been on tour with one of the biggest bands in the world. Dakota Armstrong!". The lady told me to go on stage, and I did. I sat down on the chair next to Ellen and tried not to freak out.

"Hello Dakota" Ellen smiled "So, I see your life has been a bit of a rollercoaster?"

"Yeah" I smiled "It has been"

"Would you like to explain everything to those who may be at home?"

"I was born in California in 1999 but was moved to live in New York shortly after." I said "I never grew up with my Dad, it was one of those things that my Mom wouldn't let us talk about. I had a twin brother names Tyler who I shared a room all my life, but he died in September" I paused for a bit. "After that happened, I was flown over to live in Oakland with my Dad, who I had no idea would be Billie Joe Armstrong"

"I heard that you were a pretty big Green Day fan" Ellen said

"Tyler and I were pretty big fans. Whever we wanted to buy something, we would have to busk in New York City and we would always play a Green Day Song, we even snuck out to a concert one night" I laughed.

"What was it like going ontour to play backup guitar with them?"

"It was awesome" I said "I really enjoyed it"

"There are rumor's saying you were kidnapped on tour, is this true". I nodded.

"It was just some stuff to do with my Mom, but it's been sorted out now"

"That's good to hear Dakota" Ellen smiled. We talked about the tour a bit more, and what it was like to live with everyone. It was pretty good, and before I knew it, the interview was over and it was time to go home.

Billie's P.O.V

We all got home about 9 that night. Dakota fell asleep on the couch so I decided to let her sleep there tonight. I heard my phone ring.

"Hey Billie!" Tre said

"Hey Tre" I yawned

"Can I stay at yours tonight?"


"I'm home alone"

"Tre, you've been home alone before"

"Yeah...." Tre said "But there's a thunderstorm"

"Fine Tre" I sighed "Come over"

"Thanks Billie!".

Dakota's P.O.V


I walked though the park to meet up with Tyler.

"Man Dakota!" He smiled "You were on ellen!"

"Pretty cool huh?"

"That's awesome!"

"Wanna play some baseball?"

"Nah, can't we just talk?"

"Tyler, you're not even here anymore"

"What do you mean Koda? I'm right in front of you"

"Yeah, but this is a dream"


"I'm gonna wake up and be sad"


"Because you won't be there in real life..."

"Why don't we just make the most of this then? How about we see who can ride down the hill the fastest?"

"Okay" I laughed "We don't have bikes"

"Its a dream" he said "You can just dream them up right?"

"I guess so" I said, and just like that, two bikes appeared in front of Tyler and I.

"Okay, first one down wins...." Tyler paused as he thought for a prize

"Just for fun?" I suggested. Tyler nodded. I pushed my pedals and made my way down the hill. I looked next to me but Tyler wasn't there anymore.

"Tyler?" I asked as I put my foot on the ground to stop the bike. I looked around, but Tyler was gone. Everything started to fade away. Great, I was waking up.

Author's Note

Oh My Billie! 900+ reads, thats so awesome. So awesome in fact, that you all get a pun (One pun for you all)

The Energizer Bunny was arrested last night and charged with battery.

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