[50]- All the small things

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Looking back on the past six months, everything has been a bit crazy. Well, really crazy. It still seems like it was only yesterday that Tyler was killed and I was moved to live with Billie Joe Armstrong and his family in Oakland. Today was February Seventeenth, which happened to be Billie’s Birthday. 

I got up off my bed and looked out the window. It’s amazing how quickly someone’s life can be flipped around, and I have proof because thats exactly what happened to me. I could hear Trè walk through the front doors because he shouted Happy Birthday at the top of his lungs. I quickly got out of my pyjamas and got dressed. I wore some black skinny jeans which had a chain on it, a ‘Pink Floyd’ shirt, some Red Converse and then I threw on a hoodie, because it was a bit cold.

“Happy Birthday Dad” I smiled as I sat next to him on the couch. 

“Thanks Dakota” He smiled, he then pointed at my shirt “Nice Shirt”. 

“Thanks” I replied. Billie and I talked for a bit, until we were joined by Trè, who was holding a giant present in his hands, Adrienne who was also carrying some presents, Joey, Jakob and Mike. Everyone sat down on the couch and surrounded Billie.

Happy Birthday to you!” Trè sang as he tried to start the song. We all joined in.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Billie, Happy Birthday to you!” we all sung together. Billie was smiling ear to ear. Trè handing Billie his present. Billie tore open the gift wrap and opened the present. It was a brand new guitar. He brought Billie a Robby Krieger 1954 Gibson Les Paul Custom Guitar. Which Billie loved because he tackled Trè into a huge hug. Next Billie ended up getting a Ramones and Misfits Guitar Strap from me, a gift card from Joey, Jakob got him a voucher for a new tattoo, Mike brought Billie a framed picture and record of their first album, and Adrienne brought him a new pair of converse that he really wanted.

“Thanks guys” He smiled after we had finished opening all of his presents “This has got to be the best birthday I’ve ever had” he smirked. 


“I’m going to go check on Trè” Mike said as he stood up from the couch. We had finished dinner about an hour ago, and Trè told us he was making Billie a ‘Special Surprise’. He’d been in the kitchen for 40 minutes, and with the smell of smoke, everyone started to get worried for their lives.

After we heard Mike gasp, Trè scream, and some pots fall to the ground, Trè cam out holding a plate covered in a tea-towel. We all watched at Trè dramatically ripped the tea-towel of the plate revealing something that was cool, yet disturbing.

“Is that….me?” Billie asked as he got a closer look.

“I call it, Billie cake!” Trè smiled. It really was a Billie Cake. It was a cake in the shape of Billie’s head, and like the Trè cookie, it was extremely detailed. It was kinda creepy too.

“Woah” Billie gasped. He went to go get a bit of the icing off, but Trè slapped his hand away.

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