[21]- Hit and miss

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We had to get up early today because of baseball. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Whacha reading?" Billie asked as he turned on the coffee maker. I looked at the cover of my book, being so engrossed by the words, I had forgotten the name. "Uhh, I'm reading Animal Farm for school" I said "I'm meant to have it read by tomorrow, so I'm tryna catch up". Jakob walked down in his uniform. "Nuh uh, you can't play" Billie said as he pured his coffee in the cup.

"C'mon Dad! I can play!" Jakob whined

"Jakob, you have a bandage on your leg" He said "Anyway, your doctor said you can't play for a week or the stiches will come out". Jakob sighed and sat down on the chair next to me. "Are you playing today DK?" He asked me as he grabbed a bowl. "Yeah, I'm already in my uniform". I finshed my breakfast and went upstairs and grabbed my helmet and bat that I got for my birthday.

Even though Jakob couldn't play, he came anyway. "Are you guys cool if we go to the studio after baseball? We gotta run over a few things with Dakota". He grabbed his keys and waited for our response

"Yeah, sounds good to me" I said.

"Yeah, I'll bring my iPod then" Jakob ran upstairs the get his iPod. He came back down and we all got into the car.

"Fuck" Billie said "It's raining, the game is gonna be cancelled"

"What game? Dakota's or the A's" Jakob asked

"Dakota's, the A's game is still gonna be on". Billie called the baseball coach and askd him if the game was still going to be going, and like Billie predicted, it was cancelled from the sudden unexpected downfall.

"We'll just go to the studio now" Billie said as he made a U-turn and went down the road. When we arrived at the studio, Mike and Tre were drinking coffee.

"Hey it's Scooby and Jakob!" Tre yelled ".....and Billie" Tre gave a fake glare and then went over to say hello to Billie.

"How's the leg and head?" Mike asked

"I'm fine, tell Dad that so I can play baseball"

"I feel alright, nothing new really"

"Well at least your feeling better guys"

Jakob sat on the couch and started to listen to his iPod while Mike, Billie, Tre and I went into the recording room to try out some new songs. We had just covered Jesus Of Suburbia, 21st Century Breakdown and Longview.

"Dad, can I go down to the skatepark?" Jakob asked

"Yeah sure, I'll ring you when we are done". Jakob left and went down to the skatepark.

Jakob's P.O.V

I grabbed mu skateboard out of Dad's car and went down to the skatepark. It wasn't very crowded today because it had just finished raining.

"Hey Connor, what's up?" I asked as I walked over to Connor who was sitting on the bench with a few other kids.

"Hey maaan!" He said.

"Do you guys wanna skate for a bit?" I asked

"Nahh, not yet mannn, we're having these awesome brownies" He showed me a container that was filled with brownies, which looked really good.

"Do you want one little dude?" One of the older guys asked me.

"Yeah sure" I grabbed one of the brownies and sat down, it tasted a bit weird for something that looked so good, but hey, a free brownie is a free brownie, right?

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