[48]- Blaise-o Gone-o

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  • Dedicated to You and You and You too

Dakota's P.O.V

"A 15 year old girl under the name of Blaise Fender has gone missing from her Oakland home overnight" the television blared. We all listened carefully.

"During the early hours of the morning, the parents of the girl found that her bedroom was empty. There have been no signs of distress, but investigators have been keeping an eye on everything. If you have an information about the whereabouts of Blaise Fender, please call the police immediately".

"Is that your Blaise?" Joey asked Jakob who was trying not to cry.

"What do you think" He frowned. He buried his head in his knees and began to cry. Adrienne walked over to him and started to comfort him. Billie had been out for a while now, working on some stuff alongside Mike and Trè.

"W-w-what if she's dead" Jakob cried "I don't want her t-to die!".

"Don't worry Boo" Adrienne said "She's going to be fine, I promise".

"But what if she's not?" Jakob asked as he lifted his head up. Adrienne paused for a moment. I could tell she wanted Blaise to be safe, but she doubted it at the same time. Oakland is a pretty safe place, but if Blaise was kidnapped, the chance of her being safe is pretty low.

"I'm going to my room" Jakob mumbled. He pulled himself off the couch and walked up to his room. We sat in silence for a while. Eventually, Billie came home and ended up breaking the silence. 

“What’s happened?” He asked noticing all of us sitting on the couch.

“Blaise went missing last night” Adrienne said.

“Jakob’s girlfriend? That Blaise?” Billie replied. Adrienne nodded. “That’s horrible. I’ll go speak to him”.

“Just let him have some space for now, he’s upset” Adrienne stopped him “Just let him come down in his own time.”

“Mmmm, okay” Billie said. He sat down next to me on the couch.

“What if Blaise doesn’t get found?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, she will” Billie said. He patted me on the back and stood up. He walked over to the bench and grabbed his phone.

Billie’s P.O.V

I walked up to Jakob’s room after he had been in there for an hour. I knocked on his door. I saw him sitting on his bed, looking out the window.

“I hear about Blaise” I said as I sat down on his bed next to him.

“I love her Dad, I really do”

“I know, I know, she’s going to be okay”

“But what if she’s not?”

“She will be”

“I don’t want her to disappear”

“I promise you Jakob, Blaise is going to be safe”

“I hope so” He sniffed as he wiped a tear away from his face.

“How about you come down for lunch? We have Mac n’ Cheese, you’re favourite”

“Okay Dad” He replied. We got up and walked downstairs. 80 had made us lunch, which was already on the table. I thanked her and gave her a kiss and sat down.

Dakota’s P.O.V

After lunch, I asked Dad if I could go down to the tree-house. He said yes, and Jakob came along. We were sitting up in the treehouse, which was still, thanks to Helena, covered in graffiti.

“I feel sick” Jakob said.

“Huh?” I was daydreaming, so I didn’t quite hear what he said.

“I’m gonna puke” He said 


“I dunno, just get out the way”. I quickly jumped up, and Jakob ran out the door and climbed down the ladder in one quick move, and like he said he would, he puked all over the ground. When he had finished, I climbed down the ladder and stood next to him.

“What was all that about?”

“I dunno…” he shrugged “Do you have any water?”

“Yeah” I tossed his a water bottle from my bag.

“Thanks” He said as he drank some of the water.

“You’ve had a tough day, you just need rest” I said “C’mon lets head home”.

Author’s Note

*Drumming in the background*

*Bass Riff begins*

*Epic Guitar Riff*

OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH THANKS THANKS THANKS FOR THREE THOUSAND READS!!!!!! I can not thank you all enough, this is truly amazing. Sorry if the chapter was short, but ey. Anyway, I have come here today to ask for you opinions.

Shall I-

Make a sequel set a year later

Just make this a really long book with heaps of parts

I dont know if i should make a sequel or not, its up t you guys.

TacoTurtle2029’s Pun #2029

Why are teddy bears never hungry? They are always stuffed!

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