[45]- It was all an accident [Part one]

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"C'mon Joey" I said as Jakob and I ran through the woods. Just to make it clear, it was my friend Joey, not my brother.

"I'm coming" She yelled back as she tried to catch up. We finally stopped in front of the tree-house.

"Woah..." she said as she looked up at out awesome tree-house "You guys made this?"

"Yup" Jakob smiled "C'mon go in". We climbed up into the tree-house.

"What the FUCK!" I yelled. The house was covered in graffiti, it looked like it had been scribbled with a marker. 

"Cool place and all, but is that meant to be there?" Joey asked pointing to the scribbled mess that lined the inside of the tree-house.

"No, someone came in a fricken' stuffed it up!" Joey frowned. I bent down and looked at one of the marks.

"I know who did this..." I sighed as I got up "Helena"

"No way! How'd she even know about this place?". Her name was scribbled in sloppy hand writing on the wall. I sat down on the chair.

"This sucks" Jakob shrugged "At least we have left over paint to clean it up"

"Yeah, I guess"

"So...." Joey said.

"How about's we give you a nickname?"


"Well our brother's name is Joey too, so it will be easier to give you a nickname"

"Okay" She thought "How about Jay? That’s what some people call me”. We nodded in agreement. We told Jo-Jo about the band, which she thought was really cool. “Who’s that?” Jay asked as she pointed out the window. 

“Shhh” I whispered as I pulled Jay and Jakob down to the floor “It’s Helena, she doesn’t know we’re here”. We looked out the window, hoping we wouldn't get caught. Helena walked back and forth around the tree-house. 

“What the fuck is she doing?” Jakob asked.

“Wait, Ive got an idea” I said. I picked up a piece of pizza that Hunter had left in the corner of the tree-house a couple of nights ago when he brought pizza. I threw it down at Helena, hitting her in the back of the head.

“What the…?” She said as she felt the back of her head, which was now covered in old pizza sauce. 

“Dakota!” Jakob said as he punched my arm “She’s gonna kick our asses!”

“She fucking ruined our tree-house!”. Helena looked up and saw Jo-Jo, Jakob and I looking back down at her, and she probably knew exactly where the piece of mouldy pizza came from. She turned around and walked towards the ladder and climbed up to the tree-house.

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