[31]- Ice-cream is cool

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Dakota's P.O.V

"Guyyyyysss" Tre whined as he put his drumsticks down "I want ice-cream!"

"Tre, for God's sake!" Billie yelled "We can't go out for ice-cream". Tre glared at Billie.

"Scooby" he said "What do you think? Is this an ice-cream day?"

"Yes" I nodded "Most defintly, the best, the only, the most wondeful day for ice-cream is today, and if we don't get it today, another day like this will never come again".

"Okay fine" Billie said. Mike, Tre and I all smiled. We left the studio and drove to the local ice-cream shop. Tre' got Chocolate, Billie got strawberry, Mike got some sort of exotic fruit flavour, and I got birthday cake flavour, because well, it would taste awesome.

"Can I have another one" Tre asked

"Tre, no" Mike said "You've already had two".

"Fine" Tre said as he crossed his arms. School was only on for the second half today because they had parent-teacher interviews and I didn't have any. After the ice-cream, it was time to go to school, even though it was 11am.

When I got to school I was confronted by Helena at my locker.

"Look, we're friends right?" She asked me. Well, why not? You only put me in hospital once.

"Why?" I asked as I pulled my book out of my locker. She handed me a small package.

"No way Helena, I'm not storing your dope"

"It's just for a little bit, I need to hide it"

"I'm not looking after your fucking drugs" I said pushing them back to her. I shut my locker and stared to walk away. She wasn't giving up.
"I'll give you forty bucks"

"No Helena, I don't wanna be caught up in this".

"Listen here, if I get caught with this I'm in big ttrouble

"What if I get caught?"

"They won't suspect you anyway". At this point in time, I just wanted to leave me alone.

"Okay" I agreed "but you owe me". I took the bag off her and stuffed it in my locker and walked to class.

I was listening to the teacher when the principal walked into the room.

"Dakota Armstrong" he boomed "could you please follow me?". I followed him out of the room and we stood in the hallway.

"I have a student accusing you of the possession of drugs? Is this correct?"

"What? No!"

"I'm sure you would be alright with me doing a locker check?"

"Go ahead" I said. We walked over to my locker and I unlocked it. He searched through my locker and a the books before he pulled out the small packet that Helena had given to me beforehand. Fuck. I forgot about that. He turned to me holding up the packet in front of my face.

"Sir" I said "I can explain". He pulled me into the office before letting me have the chance to explain to him that this was a set up by Helena. He sat me down in front of his desk.

"Out of all the people, you were the one that I never thought would be sitting here today".

"I can explain"

"I don't want excuses, I'm calling your Dad"

"Please don't, I can explain" I begged "it was all a set up, I don't even know what it is"

"You can explain this all to your father when he comes in to pick you up. I'm very disappointed in you Dakota"

"You shouldn't be, I was set up by Helena!". He picked up the phone and called Billie. After a while, he out the phone back down and told me to wait there for Billie while he made a coffee in the next room.

About ten minutes later, a very disappointed looking Billie walked into the room.


I'm sorry it's short but it's like 4am and I'm gonna lose all my work because my phones about to die so I'm ending it here. I'll update soon. Oh AND THANKYOU FOR 700+ READS!!!

TacoTurtle2029's pun #7????

Why is it a bad idea to write a bad pun on a piece of paper?
Because it would be tearable.


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