[11]- Jakob and co.

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I woke up from the blinding light that shot through my window. Did I leave the curtians open again? I reached over to my ipod which was sitting on my bedside table. Monday, September 20th, 6:12 am. EIght days until my birthday. I can tell you this now, I'm not to thrilled about it. Put it this way; All your life you shared everything with someone. It becomes apart of you. This will be the first birthday I will be by myself.

I jumped out of bed and had a shower. I put my eyeliner on and straightened my hair. I got dressed in my favourite pair of jeans, my Arctic Monkeys shirt, my hoodie and my old pair of converse. I walked downstairs. "Morning" Joey said as he took a mouthfull of his cereal. "Morning" I replied "Wheres Billie?" Joey looked at me. He seemed confused on why I didnt call him Dad. "He's out with Adrienne, Jakob and you are walking to school" he said "I would too, but I'm taking a lift with my friends and we go to a diffeent school". I walked over to the pantry and grabbed out the box of Lucky Charms. I poured the sugary mess into my bowl and added milk. Five Star meal. Jakob walked down the stairs, and grabbed a pop tart and sat next to me.

"Hey Joey, hey Dakota" he smiled as he pushed the pop tart into the toaster.

"Morning" Joey waved.

"Morning Jakob" I replied "We have to walk to school today". Jakob moaned and brought his warm pop tart to the table "We're bringing our boards though".

After I finshed getting rady for school, I grabbe Tyler's board from my room and carried it out to the front door. Jakob ran down the stairs with his and walked out the door behind me. "Are you ready?" he asked. "For the walk to school" I asked "Or Helena?". Luckily, my concussion was gone. Not the cast though. "Both, I guess" he shrugged "But me and the gang will stay with you". We rode our skateboards through the park. We arrived at the old building that we named school.

"Dakota! Good to see you well" Hunter smiled

"Nice cast" Devyn said "Can I sign it?" I nodded and she walked over with a sharpie she pulled out of her bag. Hunter and Jakob followed. They wrote stuff like 'Jakob was here' and 'Hunter is my BFF'. I laughed at the writting. It has seemed like a long time since I properly laughed.

I pulled out my timetable from my bag.

Period One - English Studies - Room 108

Period Two- Creative Arts - Room 72

Period Three- Free Period

Period Four- LUNCH BREAK

Period Five- Music - Room 231

Period Six- Maths - Room 15

I marked off the ones I would be with Helena. Jakob and I were only in music together, but Hunter and Devyn where in Art with me. I said goodbye to Jakob and my friends and walked over to room 108. I could feel my palms start to sweat and my heart start to beat faster. Helena wasn't there yet. I leaned against the wall and waited for the teacher.

"Nice cast" one of my classmates said "Can I sign it?" I agreed and suddenly, a line had formed behind him. People wrote all sorts of stuff on it. 'Get well soon' and 'Hi Mom'. I didnt mind what people wrote on it really. Helena had shown up. She looked annoyed that something she caused was making me temporarily popular before class.

"Nice shoes" she hissed "Where'd you get them? The Dumpster" She laughed and her friends followed. I ignored her and followed the teacher into the room. I sat down at my desk. Helena didn't really botherer me that lesson. She made comments and stuff, but nothing that made me want to hit her again. The lesson finshed quickly, and I made my way over to Art before Helena could find me.

"Hey Dakota" Hunter and Devyn said together. I waved back and walked over to them, ready to start my lesson.


School had gone pretty good. Helena didnt bring a knife like she promised. I grabbed my skateboard out of my locker and walked with Jakob to go home. We were just leaving the school when Helena caught up with us.

"Go away Helena" Jakob warned "You've got your wish, now leave our family alone"

"Dakota isn't apart of your family dumbass" she snarled

"Dakota is as much apart of the family as I am" Jakob said

"Really?" she said "Then why did you Dad f*ck another chick and then leave her behind"

Jakob paused.

"Shut-up Helena" I yelled "You've caused me enough pain". She pushed me onto the cold pathway. Jakob pushed her back. I got up. I realised that Tyler's skateboard had rolled towards Helena. SHe picked it up.

"Give it back" I yelled while trying desperitly to grab it.

Her eyebrows raised "So it important to you then?" I backed away "It is?" She looked at it and found Tylers named scribbled across the deck in his sloppy handwritting. "I'll be taking this" she smiled as she walked away. I ran after her.

"If you dare try and get it back" she said as she reached into her pocket to reveal her knife "You will regret it" I backed away, tears in my eye. Jakob walked up to me. I sat down, not caring that I was in the middle of a frost covered path. He sat down next to me. I started to cry. The last thing I had of Tyler's was now Helena's. She would probably burn it. Tyler wrapped his arm around me. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"It was the only thing I h-had of Tyler's" I cried as I wiped my face.

"We'll get it back, I promise" he said with a bit of doubt in is voice "We gotta get home though"

I got up and walked slowly down the path with Jakob by my side. We didnt really talk much expept for when we got to the driveway.

"I'm tellling Dad y'know" he said.

"Do we have to?" I asked looking up to him "Don't you remember what she said on the messages?"

"Okay. But if Dad says anything about it I will confess all. Its for your saftey"

We walked into the house. Billie and Adrienne were watching MTV on the Tv.

"How was school?" Adrienne asked while she reached for the remote to turn down the volume.

"Good" I mumbeled. Billie noticed I didnt have my skateboard while Jakob did.

"Where's your skateboard?" He asked.

"Uhm" I thought.

"It got stolen" Jakob said. I looked at him. He looked back.

"What?" Adrienne said "But that was Tyler's. Who stole it?"

"Dunno." I lied

"Bull Shit. It was Helena wasn't it?" Billie asked sternly. I nodded.

"You cant tell on her though Dad!" Jakob bursted out "She threatned her not to say anything"

"What am I meant to do then?" Billie asked.

"You gotta tell the school sweetie." Adrienne said "I'm sure you can ask the Princible to say a bystander saw it all happen"

"But I'm scared" I squeaked. Billie walked over to be and wrapped his arm around me. "Listen. We will get her sorted out. I promise"

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