[4]- Nightmares & Pizza

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Tyler ran out onto the field getting ready to bat. He swung a homerun. Only just. While he was running to each base, the ball was getting closer to each base before him. It was a split second victory. He only just made it to the home base before the ball did.

"Oi you!" a kid from the other team yelled "You cheated. You tripped me over at second base!" he yelled as he picked up the bat. "Sorry man. I didn't r-realise, I'm real s-sorry" Tyler stuttered. "No, you're not." he boomed back making Tyler flinch.

"C'mon man, it was an accident. I'm sorry" Tyler said

"I don't believe you Roderick"

"Just leave me alone"

"Fine." he smirked as he turned around as if he were walking away from the scene.

Tyler let out a sigh of relief. But it didnt last long. The kid swung his bat around and struck Tyler in the head 18 times despite everyone trying to get the kid off Tyler's bloody body. I made my way back from the cafè with Tyler's drink. I saw Tyler's body surrounded by the team.

"Tyler?" I yelled "Tyler? Where are you" I whimpered as I made why way over to the crowd.

"Someone call an ambulance! He's got no pulse and he is loosing blood quickly!" The captain yelled. He saw me looking dwn on my twin brothers body, tears streaming down my face "Dakota. I'm so sorry".

After the ambulance left I made my way home. It was a lonley walk. "Dakota?" I heard a voice yell. "Dakota! It's me!" I repeated. "Tyler?!" I asked looking around. "Dakota! Wake up!" the voice said. "What?" I asked.

I woke up. "Sorry to wake you Dakota." Adrienne said "Dinner is ready dear. I think you were having a bad dream. I brought myself upright. "Yeah. I'll be right down" I mumbeled. "Okay Honey. Hope you like Pizza?" she asked. "Who dosent?" I joked. Adrienne left the room and I heard her walk down the stairs.

I walked down the stairs trying to follow the smell off peperoni and cheese to find the kitchen through the giant house. Jakob walked past me. "Follow me" he said "Everyone gets lost in this house" he laughed.

In the kitchen, Billie Joe, Adrienne, Jakob and Joey sat around the table. "Take a seat Dakota. Hope you like Pizza" Billie said as he pointed towards the homemade pizza that sat on the table. I took a seat next to Joey. I couldn't concentrate on anything. Thoughts were rushing in and out of my head. I remember been told I had ADHD when I was 7 alongside Tyler. My Mom never had the money to get us the medication to control it, so school was hard. My hand began tapping on the table.

"Are you okay Dakota?" Adrienne asked, looking concerned.

"Hm?" I asked.

"You've been tapping for a while now."

"Sorry" I replied "I didn't notice" I didnt wnat to tell them about my Adhd yet. It has always been something i've tried to hide from other people.

"Thats okay honey." she replied "Have a few slices, there's lots to go around" she handed me a plate. I took a couple of slices of the Hawaiian. Billie had a huge smile on his face. "Told you she was just like me" he smiled looking at Adrienne. I smiled realising that Billie Joe and I had the same pizza slices.

"So, you play the guitar?" Billie asked. Everyone turned to me.

"Yeah sort of. Not for a while though"

"How come?" Joey asked.

"Well my old mom cut the strings because it was too loud and she didnt let me or my brother buy any new ones." I explained "I barely saved up enough to buy the actual guitar"

"You had to buy it yourself? With your own money?" Jakob asked, with his mouth wide open.

"Yeah. Cost be about 700 dollars" I said "I've had it for a while now."

"That explains the duct-tape and scratches" Billie laughed.

"Yeah. It suffered years of abuse from my old Mom" I joked.

"How about tomorrow we go out and get you a new one?" Billie suggested "A welcome to the Armstrong present"

"Really? Are you serious?"


"Awesome, thanks. Sounds good to me" I smiled back.

I finshed my pizza and brang my plate to the sink. I thanked Billie and Adrienne for the pizza and made my way back up to my room. I opened the brand new laptop and started to set it up. For 14 years, I had no idea about this life that I could of been living. Why did my Mom always get mad when I brough him up? He is awesome.

I heard a knock at the door. "Hello?" Jakob asked.

"C'mon in" I replied, closing the lid to my laptop.

"Dad wanted me to talk to you about school."

"I see." I was quite disapointed. I never liked school.

"Well you will be going to the school down the road" he explained "Oakland High. Its a good school. We're in the same grade, so I'll show you around the place. You start on Monday" he said. Today was Saturday so I had one more day of freedom.

"Cool. Thanks"

"No problem. G'night" he said as he closed the door.

I opened up twitter on my laptop. 78 new notifications. What the? I looked at my profile. Thirteen Thousand Followers? How did this happen? I looked at my notifications.

@BillieJoeArmstrong Shoutout to my new daughter Dakota! Welcome to the family! @DakotaRoderick

@TreCool Woah my friend has a new kid! Awesome. Welcome to the family mini billie!

@DirntMike Welcome to the Armstrong Family Dakota! Hope you like music.

Freakin' hell. I scrolled through my notifications. I had thousands from people I didnt know saying 'welcome to the armstrong family' and 'Will you follow me?". Today was the first day of the rest of my life.I turned off my laptop and jumped into bed.

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