[35]- Dirnt goes the bass

456 22 16
  • Dedicated to To all you friendly people

"Good morning" I yawned as I walked passed Billie and grabbed myself a bowl of cereal. Lucky Charms to be exact.

"How did you sleep?" Billie asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"Good" I said "How about you?"

"Same old" he shrugged "Any way..."

"Yeah?" I said as I sat down opposite him and started to eat my cereal.

"We need to talk about school"

"Do we have to?" I whined

"You've been called to the office like 80 times"

"Yeah, that's true....but most of the times it was something Helena did"

"I know" Billie said "But you gotta learn to avoid her"

"I try, I really do" I said "She just gets in my way. She knows how to get to me"

"Can you promise me not to get into anymore trouble?"

"Sure" I shrugged "Are we doing anything today?"

"Mike is coming over for lunch, he want's to teach you some more bass"

"Oh cool" I said "I really like the bass"

"That's good" Billie smiled "Now, I have to go feed the cat"

"We don't have a cat" I said, but Billie had already walked away. I went upstairs and got dressed. It was already about 11am, so Mike was going to be over sooner or later. I put on yet another pair of Skinny Jeans, yet another pair of converse, yet another band shirt and a hoodie. I know I wear the same things all the time, but it's comforatble so I don't mind. I grabbed my bass and went downstairs. I practised a few songs before Mike came over.

When everyone finished their lunch, Mike and I sat down on the couch.

"You're really talented on guitars" Mike said "Have you ever thought about been in a band?"

"I dunno, I can't write lyrics"

"You could always play the bass"

"Yeah, I guess" I shrugged "I don't have anyone to play with though"

"What about your friends who went to your birthday? I know Jakob plays guitar and the guy that the girl kept hitting plays drums right?"

"Yeah" I said "I'll ask them"

"You'll be as big as Green Day one day" Mike laughed

"No one can be as good as Green Day"

"True" Mike said "You'll be almost as good as Green Day". We laughed. After a while, Mike had to go home. I walked up to Jakob's room and knocked on the door.

"Hey DK" Jakob said "What's up?"

"Just finished my lesson with Mike"

"How'd it go?"

"Good, he thinks we should start a band"

"Really? I was just thinking about that"


"Yeah Hunter plays drums"

"What about Devyn?"

"She can play the keyboard I think"

"Looks like we have a band then". Shortly after talking about who would do what, Jakob called Devyn and Hunter and they came over.

"A band?" Devyn asked

"Thats what he said you Goldfish" Hunter said

"He just called me a goldfish?"

"This is not the time to talk about Hunter's bad insults" Jakob said "We could start a band! I could be on lead guitar, DK on Bass, Hound can be on the drums and you could be the pianist"

"I don't even play the piano" Devyn said

"What can you play?"

"The triangle"

"How about you edit the videos and stuff, like put together to music" I suggested

"Yeah! I'm doing that" Devyn said "I can make Hunter sound stupid". Half the time I couldnt tell if they were serious or not with their insults.

"What should we call the band?"

"Dunno" I shrugged

"How about....The Pizza Kids: We like Pizza"

"No Hunter" Jakob said


"Misfits Of The Century?"

"Maybe, sounds cool"

"What about Kids of the Pizza?"

"Hunter no pizza"

"Misfits of the century sounds pretty good, but we should wait a bit until we make up at name"

"True" Devyn nodded.

★☆★☆★☆★☆ 1K PUN SPECIAL ★☆★☆★☆★☆

In celebration of this story hitting over 1,000 reads in under one month, please enjoy these puns that I have put together for you. Thanks again!

★What's the definition of a will? It's a dead giveaway
☆When the electricity went off during a storm at a school the students were de-lighted
★He wears glasses during math because it improves division
☆There was once a cross-eyed teacher who couldn't control his pupils
★The one who invented the door knocker got a No-bell prize
☆The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large
★He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends
☆Two peanuts were walking in a tough neighborhood and one of them was a-salted
★When an actress saw her first strands of gray hair she thought she'd dye
☆He often broke into song because he couldn't find the key
★Driving on so many turnpikes was taking its toll
☆To some - marriage is a word ... to others, a sentence
★What song did Billie Joe write about his favorite pair of jeans? Blvd of broken seams
☆Why did the letter explode in Billie's hand? It was a letter bomb
★A cardboard belt would be a waist of paper
☆Old skiers never die -- they just go down hill
★A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was a nurse said 'No change yet'.

Thankyou again to everyone who read my story, voted for my chapters, commented and followed me. I really appreciate it. One month ago I only had 23 reads, so this is really is phenomenal. When I get up to chapter 50, I might continue the story into a sequel. Any thoughts on it?

A just-for-fun little contest. What should the band be called? Vote for yuor favorite name and I will pick the winner :)

a) Misfits of the Century
b) Fourth Vortex
c) Pizza Kids: We like Pizza (Don't do this one)
d) Make up your own name :D


Rage & Love

TacoTurtle2029 (Georgia)

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