[38]- Joey 2.0

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It was December 1st, and Billie had taken out the Christmas Tree. I never celebrated Christmas. I'm catholic and all, its just that we never really had the traditional Christmas of opening presents under the tree, having a nice Christmas dinner, y'know, all the normal things. Tyler and I would buy each other some things, but other than that, we never got anything from Mom.

"Hey Dakota, wanna decorate the Christmas tree with us later?" Billie asked me. He had recovered after his brownie overdose luckily.
"Sounds good" I replied "I've never done it before"
"Did Cassandra suck the joy out of everything?"
"Pretty much" I shrugged. I walked into the kitchen and sat next to Jakob who was eating lunch. I had already had mine, so I just let my thoughts entertain me.

"So, do you celebrate Christmas?" Adrienne asked me. We were all decorating the tree together.
"Sorta, well yeah" I said "I never had a tree or anything"
"Well, you can put the star on the top of the tree than". Billie lifted me up and I put the star on the top of the tree. "Ow fuck" I said. When Helene hit me in the stomach the other day, it left a nasty bruise.
"Oh, sorry Dakota" Billie said, looking sad "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine" I lied
"Can I see you stomach?"
"You don't need to" I shrugged
"Please?" I lifted my shirt up, not all the way, for certain reasons. This sucks.
"Who did that?" Billie asked
"I fell off my skateboard" I lied
"Are you sure? It looks like you fell really hard" I could tell Billie was doubting my answer.
"Yeah, real hard"
"Hmmm" Billie hummed "Alright". We finished decorating the tree and got ready to go over to Tre's house for his early birthday party. His birthday was on the ninth, but he wanted to have it today. I decided to wear my Sex Pistols shirt, some jeans, my converse, once again and just a normal jacket.

We arrived at Tre's house and we were greeted by a 7 year old in a grown up body. Also know as Tre.
"You guys came!" He cheered "I'll show you guys to the food". We followed Tre through his house which was huge, and sat at the table. Mike's family was there, and also a few other people I didn't really know. One of the girls looked about my age, so I sat next to her.
"Hey, I'm Dakota" I smiled. She looked a bit shy.
"My name is Joey....well not really, but I like it when people call me that"
"Well nice to meet you Joey. I have a brother named Joey"
"Cool" she said shyly.
"So how do you know Tre?" I asked
"He's my uncle" she replied. Uncle Tre....haha.
"That's pretty cool" I said "you go to my school right?"
"Yeah" she shrugged "No one really notices me"
"How come?"
"I'm quiet I guess"
"You can always come sit with my friends"
"I don't want to get your your way or anything"
"We won't mind, you seem nice"
"Really? Thanks" she smiled. We talked about music, and I found out she liked to write lyrics, which was cool, because Jakob didn't want to be the singer anymore. I'm sure I can convince her to join the band, she looks cool.
"Scooby!" Tre yelled as he put me into a bear hug "I'm so happy you came!"
".....air...I need it" I laughed. Tre put me down quickly. "Sorry Scoobs" he said.
"So Tre, what's it like been old?" I joked. He laughed.
"Come here you little rascal" he started to chase me around the table and just when I was about to get away, and ran into Billie, causing him, Tre and me to fall together in a human Avalanche.
"Dammit Tre"
"You can't blame someone when they're eating cake" he said. He quickly got up and went to eat some cake. Billie helped me up off the ground.
"Thanks" I said "Sorry about that"
"It's okayyyyyy" he slurred "you look like a mini meeee". Billie was drunk.
"I'm your kid" I laughed
"I have a kid? That's so cool!" He said. He saw Tre eating cake and quickly scurried over to join him.

"So Joey" I said to the girl "Wanna grab some cake before Tre and Billie eat it all?". She nodded and we walked over to grab a slice. After we finished the cake, she had to go home with her parents. I said goodbye, and sortly after, we had to go home too.

Billie was asleep on the couch, Joey was having a shower, Jakob was on a date with Blaise, which Joey wasn't thrilled about and I was sitting in my room.

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I signed in. I hadn't been on this website for a while now, but I had a few stories that I didn't finish reading.

Tales of another broken home
By GreenDay_is_Life

This is going to be really weird reading this now, seeing it's about my Dad. But I remember it been a really good story. I clicked on it.
"Time for bed honey" Adrienne smiled
"G'nignt" I replied. I shut my laptop before I could have the chance to finish reading the story. I got into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth and got into bed.

"What took you so long Koda?"

"I was at tre's house"

"You got to go to Tre Cool's house?!" Tyler gasped "that's so awesome!"

"You get used to it" I shrugged

"What's wrong?"


"Dakota I can read your mind, twin esp remember?" He laughed

"Some chick is picking on me, that's all"

"Why I oughta"

"It's fine Tyler, really"

"What has she done?"

"She drugged me, hit me and then she tried to kiss me". Tyler burst out laughing.

"Someone has a crush on you!"

"Shut up I don't like her"

"Whatever" Tyler shrugged "Wanna go blow up some stuff?"

"Why do I keep seeing you in my dreams?" I said changing the subject

"I miss you" he said

"Well yeah, I miss you too, but you're just my imagination right? This is just my dream, anything can happen"

"It's really me Koda!"

"I believe you"

"Well I gotta go. Remember that lizard we kept as a pet for a week or two before it died"

"Yeah I remember Lil' Raptor"

"Well I have to look after him now, so I gotta feed him"

"See ya Tyls"

"See you later Koda"

Authors Note

Hello. Thanks for 1.4 K reads, like woah! Anyway, the new character is based of my friend Joey who is going to be writing a story soon, so you should check it out! Her username is Joey_is_awesome182 and she is super nice. Thanks again!

TacoTurtle2029's Pun #11

Rick Astley will give you any movie in his Pixar collection except for one. He is never gonna give you up.

Tales of Another Broken HomeWhere stories live. Discover now