[41]- To analyse my dreams

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We had to wake up pretty early this morning. Four in the morning to be exact. Billie dragged me out of bed because I kept falling asleep and we all got ready to go. Adrienne was in the front with Billie who was driving, I was in the back with Jakob and Joey was in the furthest back seat. It started raining on the way to the airport. Adrienne and Billie were talking about some adult stuff like politics or coffee, so Jakob and I started talking while Joey snored in the background.
"So what was yesterday about?" Jakob asked me.
I looked up from the window. "What do you mean?" I asked.
"You had a dream or something yesterday in the treehouse" he said "I think it was about a fire or something". I had forgotten about that dream I had. Ever since Tyler died, I stared having nightmare about loosing people. Sometimes it as Billie, or Adrienne and other times it was Jakob and Joey. I grew attached to them and loosing them would be horrible.
"It was nothing, really" I shrugged "Just a bad dream".
"What was it about?" He asked me. I didn't notice, but Billie had started listening in to our conversation. If I knew that he was before, I wouldn't of said anything about the nightmare.
"It seemed really real y'know, like I thought I actually woke up" I started. Jakob nodded quickly as he listened carefully. "I could smell fire, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that the tree house was on fire. I jumped out but I couldn't get you in time. It was like loosing Tyler all over again. I couldn't do anything to save you, and it really sucked".
"How long have you been having those dreams for?" Billie asked me.
"I dunno" I shrugged "A few months maybe, since Tyler died"
"How come you didn't tell me about them?"
"They're just dreams"
"But they seem a bit harsh for a dream, are you sure you're alright?"
"Yeah" I replied "I'm fine, I'll get over it soon". We got to the airport about five minuets later and checked in. Adrienne brought us some breakfast while Billie went to go find Mike, Tre and their families. He came back later with them all following behind him.
"Scooby!" Tre yelled "You gotta meet my family". He pointed to his son. "This is Frankito" he smiled.
"Hey" he smiled back
"Hi Frankito" I replied. Tre introduced me to his wife next, her name was Sara Rose. Mike, Brittany, Brixton and Ryan went to the gate first, while we got ready. We met them at the gate shortly after spans boarded the plane.
Luckily, I wasn't too anxious on the flight, I slept most of the way anyway.


We got of the plane and hailed a cab to drive us to our hotel. We all couldn't fit in one cab, so we took different ones. We all didn't arrive at the hotel at the same time though, but we arrived first, then Mike's family and Tre's. We all got settled in to our rooms before we were going to do anything. We are going to go to Universal Studios tomorrow. We haven't figured out what we are going to do today, Adrienne wants to go shopping, Mike and Billie want to visit the guitar shop, Tre wants to go to the ice cream store, and everyone else is fine with doing anything.

Authors Note
Sorry for the short chapter guys, I just got back from my first day back at school, and it sucked. So I gotta go back tomorrow, then the next day but then is the weekend and I should have my laptop back, so I will write a big update :) Also, if you are still reading, my friend Joey_is_awesome182 has just made a green day fanfiction, and it's really good. I recall need you go check it out :) hi Joey :p

TacoTurtle2029's Pun #14 (I'm starting to loose track of what pun we are up to)
Why was the donkey in a bad mood? I don't know, but he sure is acting like an ass.

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