[15]- Badasses are people too

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Billie's P.O.V

"C'mon 80!" I begged "Please let her come on tour with us". Adrienne looked at me, still unsure. "Look, i'm going into the school today anyway, I can explain about the tour while i'm there".

"She's too young to be going on tours" Adrienne said, making my smile fade

"She's 14 80, she will be 15 soon anyway, thats old enough to go on a tour"



"Okay, you gotta promise me on thing, don't do anything stupid in front of her"

"Hmm, okay." I smiled. Mike and Tre really liked the way Dakota played the guitar. I looked at my phone. It would be Dakota's birthday in a couple of days, and I really wanted to make it special for her. I'd missed out on 14 of them already. Dakota walked over to the bench and sat down.

"G'morning" she said as she yawned

"Hows your face?" I asked as I inspected her cut

"It can't feel it" she said "I'll be fine, i'm sure". I walked over to the cupboard and oulled out a box of lucky charms and filled a bowl for Dakota. I put the milk in and handed it to her.

"Thanks" she said as she grabbed her spoon "How's Jakob?"

"Well, he is still curled up in a ball at the end of his bed, so I take it he is still sick" I said "I'm gonna talk to your princible today"

She sighed "But"

"No buts, she hit you Dakota! That's messed up"

"Okay, thanks for caring". I smiled at her. She was broken, her childhood had been a mess. If only I had been ther for Tyler and her, maybe, just maybe, everything wouldn't be the way it is. After she had finished getting ready, which mind you, took a while, we got into the car to drive to school.

Dakota's P.O.V

Billie's car pulled up in the school's carpark. I followed Billie into the school quietly, looking down at my feet. I had my old converse on again. I pulled out my phone and looked down at the screen.

One new message from : Hound :)

Hound: Dude, where are you?

Me: I'm at the princible's office.

Hound: yeah, I know, everyone knows dude

Me: What do you mean??

Hound: Helena saw your dad walking into the school with you and she is pissed

Me: God damn it. It was Billie's idea

Hound: I don't think Helena cares who idea it was. When will you be back in my ass?

Me: What the heck?

Hound: CLASS. CLASS. NOT ASS. When will you be back in my class?

Me: Hahahahaha. I'm not sure, whenever this meeting finishes I guess, we are about to get called in. Billie is in father mode lol

Hound: Well, I better go then, class has started. good luck. hound out.

I turned off my phone and put it back in my pocket. The princible called Billie and I into the room and we sat down, Billie was puffing out his chest in an atempt to make himself look tougher.

"Don't you see what she did to her?" Billie said pointing to my face "She got fuc- she got beat up"

"Mr. Armstrong, please sit down, I'm sure we can resolve this issue in a grown up way"

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