[22]- What? Huh? Hm?

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I was sitting in history class. It was the last period of the day, thankfully. Today I was really tired. I didn't get much sleep last night because I kept thinking about what Jakob said. I knew he didn't really see Tyler, because he was dead. But y'know. It still makes you think.

"So during the 15th century, they made house out of blah blah blah blah" The teachers voice faded away as I looked out the window. I could feel myself going to sleep, then I started to dream.

I was sitting in my old house. The same old bedroom, the same cracked window, the same two matress laying opposite eachother. Tyler was sitting on the bed looking up at me.

"Well arn't you gonna sit down?" he asked. I sat down on my bed looking over at Tyler. His hair was still black, his eyes were still green and he was still wearing his baseball uniform from the day that he...y'know.

"Tyler?" I asked.


"I've really missed you..." I started to cry, well dream cry.

"Listen Koda, I've missed you too, but I need to tell you something" he said "I don't know how much more time we have left". I nodded. "Look, Jakob was right, you need to be carefull. I can't tell you what's gonna happen because it will mess things up"


"Look. Something is gonna happen and I cant tell you" He warned "Just please. Be carefull"

"Am I gonna die?" I asked

"No, I don't know." he said "I gotta go Dakota. Look I wish I was still with you". He stood up and hugged me. "Good bye Dakota"

"No. No. Don't go"

"I have to"

"Tyler" I started to cry "You're my brother". Tyler let me go. "Sorry Koda. I love you, don't forget that".


I woke up. The teacher had a ruler in his hand, I guess thats what the crack was. The class was staring at me.

"Why were you asleep in my class?" The teacher yelled

"I uh..."

"Go to the princables office"

"What? Thats not fair!" I yelled back.

"Go to the princables office" he yelled even louder. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom. Shit. I can't stay out of that office can I? I sat outisde the office waiting to be called in. Did Tyler really come to me in a dream. Was Jakob right? I'm starting to think Jakob really saw Tyler before. Or something.

"Dakota? Again?" he sighed

"Sorry..." I walked into his office and sat down on the chair.

"So you were sleeping in class?"

"I guess. I was just really tired"

"Look, this is the 3rd time this has happened"


"You've fallen asleep 3 times today, your teachers called me"


"I'm going to call your Dad or Mom so they can pick you up"

"Please sir, I don't want them to know"

"Sorry Dakota, we can't have you been a disruption to the class"

"Fine..." I walked out of the office and waited for Billie or Adrienne at the front gate. Billie's car pulled up 10 minutes later. I stepped in the car.

"Sorry" I said looking down.

"It's fine, just don't do it again"

"Yeah, I won't. I didn't get any sleep last night and I was really tired"

"I know the feeling" Billie said as he backed out of the car park "How come you didn't get anysleep then?"

"Just Tyler and stuff" I told him "I had a werid dream with him just before

"What about?" Billie asked

"Well we were back at my old house, and he told me that Jakob was right and that something bad was gonna happen to me..."

"Maybe you just dreamt that because you thought about it too much" Billie suggested

"Maybe, but it felt real. It felt like it was really Tyler"

"Don't worry Dakota, we will look out for you"

"Thanks". When we drove home, I went straight to bed. I was trying to have another dream with Tyler, just so we could talk, but it didn't happen. I think I slept for a long time, because Billie woke me up telling me that dinner was ready.

"So, I heard you got sent out of class" Jakob said "What happened"

"Fell asleep" I said "I dunno, but I had the same dream thing as you"

"With Tyler?"

"Yeah. Telling me the same thing"

"Woah. Spooky". Billie put some dinner on everyone's plates and sat down. The dinner was great, we had spaghetti bolognese. After dinner, I didn't really feel like doing anything big, so I went into Jakob's room to see what he was doing.

"Look" he said "Tyler has black hair that cover's his eyes, which are green and he was wearing a baseball uniform"

"That's what he was wearing in my dream"

"See! I'm not lying, I knew I saw him"

"I dunno, it just doesn't seem right"

"What did he say in your dream?"

"Just told me the same as you I think, that something bad was gonna happen to me. But he told be he couldn't tell me"

"Werid. Don't worry though, I'll look out for you. You have the tour soon, so I'm sure Billie will look after you then"

"Yeah, hopefully...I don't anything else bad to happen". Adrienne walked into the room and told us it was time to go to bed. I walked to my room and lay on my bed.

"Tyler" I sighed "You're a confusing idiot sometimes". I rolled over and fell asleep.

Author's Note

Wow, this chapter was as small as my future...anyway, thanks for all the reads, I have like over 200. Now since you've all been kind to me with voting and what not, I'm now gonna include a pun in every author's note because puns are cool.

TacoTurtle2029's Pun #1

It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.

haha. Okay, Ill so myself out...

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