[13]- Appointments and bands

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I was awoken by Billie singing at the top of his lungs. "GEEEEETTT UPPPP DAKKKOOTTTTAAA" he pulled open the blinds in one go, which filed the room with horrible, horrible sunshine. "hmphfh" I moaned as I rolled over.

"C'mon Dakota, you gotta get ready for your appointment" he said as he made his way out the door and down the stairs. I got up and had my shower. Hopefully, it will be the last time I have to put a plastic bag over my arm. I grabbed the hair straigtner out of my drawer and styled my black hair. I put on a pair of skinny jeans, a misfits shirt, navy blue converse and then walked down to the kitchen where I was met with Billie.

Adrienne was whisking pancake batter in a bowl near the stove. "Hope you like pancakes" she smiled as she poured some onto the pan.

"Who in the right mind wouldn't?" Billie and I said at the same time. Jakob and Joey made there way downstairs. "C'mon Joey!" Jakob whined "Can't we play Halo for once?". Joey groaned and walked downstairs ignoring Jakob.

Adrienne handed me a stack of 3 pancakes and I then proceeded to drown them in maple syrup. Jakob and Joey sat down at the table and started to dig into their's.

"So, Dakota, where'd you learn to play baseball like that?" Jakob asked

"I dunno" I said

"C'mon, you would of learned somehow"

"I guess Tyler and I practised alot, when we could get out of the house."

"Your quite the player" Billie said as he poured maple syrup over his pancakes.


"Well, good news" the nurse said with a few x-rays in her hand "You will be able to get the cast off today"

"Great" I smiled "I can play my new guitar". The nurse started to play around with my wrist for a bit to make sure it was healed enough to be able to go bandage free. It was, thankfully.

"Hey, do you know anywhere where I can book Dakota into a therapist?" Billie asked. Therapy? What? There isnt anything wrong with me? Is there?

"What? I don't need therapy" I said

"No, no, dont get me wrong Dakota, but I just want to make sure you didnt inherit my anxiety thats all" Billie said "Since you had the panic attack yesterday, I just want to make sure you havent had to deal with it, like I did"

"M'kay" I mumbelled

"Well, we have a chemist down the road who offers appointments for checkups" the nurse said as she wrote stuff down on her clip board "They might have a free spot if you go down"

"Thanks" Billie said as he picked up his bag and motioned for me to leave with him. We walked out the door and made our way back to Billie's car.

"Y'know, when I was a kid, I would always wake up in the middle of the night with panic attacks. I used to have really bad anxiety. Well, I still have anxiety, but it isnt as bad as it was when I was a kid"

"The anxious feelings havent been forever though. I've only started gettig them since what happened to Tyler."

"Thats common. It can start from something traumatising like that. Mine started when my father died" Billie looked down, he was struck by a memory.

"Does it go away?" I asked

"Not really. There are treatments though"

"Okay" I said looking down at my lap. I don't want to be on any medications. Billie drove to the chemist that the nurse told us about. Luckily, there was a spot that we were able to get squeezed into.

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