[46]- It was all an accident [Part two]

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Dakota's P.O.V

The ground became closer and closer to me as I feel towards it. I could hear Billie running over, but at this point my eyes were shut close and I couldn't see. Then I hit the ground. I don't even know if I hit it head-first, face-first or butt-first, but it hurt.

I tried to say something, but it only came out as "Mpppph".

"Dakota!" Billie yelled. He ran over to me and knealt down. I heard Helena run away. I opened my eyes.

"Mmmmm" I groaned as I tried to get my eyes to focus "Whadafuckhappennn" I mumbled.

"Dakota, are you alright?" Billie asked me as he looked at me for injuries. I don't even know if I was hurt, I felt nothing at the moment. Jo-Jo and Jakob were standing next to Billie waiting for me the answer.

"Uhmmm" Billie thought quickly "What season is it?"

"Well...it must be...fall" I joked. Billie sighed in relief. 

"Are you okay Dakota?" He asked as he helped me up.

"I think so..." I said "My head hurts though"

"Let me look at it" He said. He turned me around and looked at my head.

"Shit" He said


"You're bleeding, you must of landing on a rock or something"

"I'll be fine y'know"

"Let's go home and get you cleaned up" He said. We walked back through the track and hoped into his car. Jo-Jo came home with us, and she sat next to Jakob and I in the back. When we got home, which wasn't long, Billie jumped out of the car to help me out, which was werid because I felt fine. At least I think I feel fine.

"We're having burgers for dinner" Adrienne smiled as we walked in. She must of noticed Billie holding a towel against my head because her smile faded. "What happened?" She asked as she pulled out a chiar for me to sit on.

"That's what I wanna know" Billie said "She fell from the tree-house"

"What was she doing on top of the tree-house?"

"I'll explain later" I groaned as Billie put something on the cut on my head. 

"I don't think you'll need stiches Dakota" Billie told me "The bleeding is starting to stop now anyway"

"Thanks" I said as I hoped of the chair.

"Well dinner's going to be ready in about 10 minutes" Adrienne said "How about your new friend stays for a while?"

"Really? Thanks" Jo-Jo smiled. We walked up to my room, where I quickly cleaned my cut and dried my hair. 

"I hate her" Jakob frowned "She keeps picking on you for no reason! She threw you off a roof!"

"Same here" I shrugged.

"So Jo-Jo" Jakob said as he changed the subject "Do you wanna hang out with us at school tomorrow?"

"That'd be great, thanks" She smiled. Adrienne called us down for dinner. We walked downstairs and sat at the table.

"Thanks" We said as we grabbed a burger off the plate and ate them. They tasted great. No, even better than great. They tasted awesome.

When we were done, we played Halo for a couple of hours until Jo-Jo had to go home, then Jakob and I went to bed shortly after.

"Holy fuck ducks Dakota!" Tyler shouted. I was dreaming.


"She threw you off a roof!"

"Oh yeah"

"If I wasn't dead I'd punch her in the face"

"I've done that, it doesn't really work"

"I'd punch her twice then"

"Thanks Tyls"

"So, Koda, how's life?"

"Pretty good, I have a band now"

"Awesome. Can I be in it?"

"Get a life and you're in" I joked.

"Ha. Ha. So what'd ya wanna do?"

"I don't mind really"

"C'mon Dakota, you're in a dream, you can do whatever you want to"

"Ookie Dokie then, I want you to turn into a giant marshmallow"

"What? No way!"

"Do it. I dare you"

"No deal"

"Fine. How about we go and smash some stuff?"

"That seems like fun"

Author's Note

*Laughs evilly in the background*. There was never going to be anything really bad to happen, I just felt like making it 'To be continued' to mes with you guys. Heh Heh. Anyway, I can not thank you guys enough that I'm almost at 300,000,000 reads. Haha. Lol. No. 3,000 reads. It's awesome. And in thanks, you all get a year's supply of candy pizza. Yes, its a thing. Pancake bottom, nutella base, lucky charms, Sour patch kids, oreos, chocolate etc etc etc. See ya. Enjoy the pizza. 

TacoTurtle2029's Pun #17? or #16?

What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator!

TacoTurtle2029 does not hold any responsibility for the following things after consumption of candy pizza. Missing Limbs, Hearing Loss, Loss of sight, Loss of taste, Loss of smell, Type 2029 Diabetes, Heart problems, Additional Limbs, Satan, Tattoos appearing out of nowhere.

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