[34]- Hunt the Hunter

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Dakota's P.O.V

After been woken up by Tre because of the shortage of Pop-Tarts, going to maths in first period, and sitting down at the table in the cafeteria, a soaking wet Hunter sat down next to us.

"What happened to you?" Devyn asked trying not to laugh

"I got waterbombed..." Hunter sighed

"By who?" I asked

"The same kids go around every week and pick a kid to waterbomb, I was the lucky one I guess"

"That's not fair" I said

"Yeah" Devyn said "We should get them back!"

"No point" Hunter sighed "There older than us"

"Nothing a ketchup balloon won't fix" Jakob said

"A what?"

"We could fill up water balloons with ketchup or something"

"Where are we going to get that much ketchup?"

"My Dad owns a cafe, we could use some of the out of date ketchup" Devyn suggested. 

"We don't have enough time to do it today" I said

"How about you guys come over to the cafe for dinner, and we will make the balloons then?"

"Dakota and I will meet you there tonight"

"I'm guessing im a part of this" Hunter said

"Yes, you are"

--The Next Day at school--

Last night we had made about 30 ketchup balloons. Devyn was right, this stuff was out of date and it smelt like shit. We all walked to school together, carefully filling our bags up with the balloons. Billie did offer us a ride to school, but we figured that he would notice the ketchup balloons, so we decided to take our journey by foot.

"Okay" Jakob said "They get here through that gate and walk through this court"

"How'd you know that?" Hunter asked

"I did my research"

"So when they walked through here" Devyn said "Hunter and I will take the overhead ramp, Jakob and Dakota you take the same floor as them"

"When they are directly under us, I will drop a bomb on them"

"Then you guys go"

"Okay, got it" I nodded

"Everyone got their ketchup bombs?". Everyone nodded and took there places as we waited for the group of kids to come walking through. They didn't walk through at the time that Jakob said they would though, which was a bit confusing, because they could come through the doors anytime now. 

"Incoming!" Hunter yelled from above "Their armed!". Jakob and I turned around to see that the group of kids that had water-bombed Hunter were standing there holidng their own water-bombs. I grabbed one of the ketchup bombs and threw it at one of the kids, hitting him in the arm.

The ring-leader of the group grabbed one of his balloons and threw it at me, hitting me in the shoulder.

"Dude! This is paint!" I said to Jakob

"Get them Guys!" Jakob yelled up to Hunter and Devyn. They started pelting them with the balloons, covering them with 4 year old ketchup. They threw the paint bombs at us, making us become human rainbows. 

Before we knew it, the balloons had ran out. Jakob, Hunter, Devyn and I were covered in diffrent colours, and as for the other guys, they were red. 

"You!" A teacher bellowed "Get here right now!" He was red with anger. We all walked over to him.

"You're coming with me" He said. Everyone followed him to the princable's office.

"Dad's gonna kill us" Jakob said

"Shit" I sighed "I was only in here yesterday". We waited in front of the office on the seats. The kids who had bombed hunter the other day were been talked to now.

"Why did we even do this?" Hunter said "It was a stupid idea"

"I can't even remember who's idea it was" I shrugged

"This suck" Jakob said "We're gonna be in so much trouble when we get home"

"I've been called to the office like 8 times already" I said "Now Dad's gonna be pissed"

"Get in here" The princble said, we all got up and walked into the room.

"Why on earth would you attack those students with ketchup bombs?"

"They water-bombed me yesterday Sir" Hunter said

"That doesn't give you the right to do the same thing back"

"They do it to everyone though"

"I don't care what they did, this is about you four". After about 30 minutes of the old man ranting, he called our parents to pick us up.


"What were you thinking?" Adrienne said as she backed the car out of the school car park.

"Those kids were dicks Mom" Jakob said "Someone had to set them staright"

"With ketchup bombs?"

"Sorry" Jakob and I said. We were still covered in paint from what happeneded earlier, so Adrienne brought towels for us to sit on in the car.

"Your father isn't going to be very impressed" Adrienne said as we walked through the door.

"What the fuck" Billie laughed. He was almost crying from how much he was lying.

"Billie!" Adrienne said

"Oh" Billie coughed "I'm very dissapointed in you guys". Tre walked through into the kitchen.

"Hey you guys didn't tell me that there was a rainbow" Tre laughed "I could of walked through it like you guys"

"So what happened?" Billie asked

"Yesterday Hunter was water-bombed by these kids in the grade above us, so we got revenge by doing the same thing but with expired ketchup"

"That's actually pretty awesome" Tre said

"As much as Tre is right" Billie said "You guys shouldn't of done that"

"Sorry Dad" I said

"Sorry Dad" Jakob repeated

"Arn't you going to do something?" Adrienne said "They painted the school ground"

"I don't know what to do" Billie shrugged "Uhm. No guitar for a day". Adrienne rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen to start dinner, she'd given up with trying to get Billie to act serious.

"C'mon Dad!" I whined "That's not fair"

"Yeah Dad" Jakob added

"Rules are rules" Billie said crossing his arms. We walked up to our bedroom.

Billie's P.O.V

"Tre!" I yelled in excitement "Did you hear what she said?"

"Hmpf?" Tre said with a donut sticking out of his mouth

"She called me Dad" I said "Like for real"

"So, she's your daughter"

"Yeah but it feels good y'know"

"Do you wanna know what really feels good?"


"Eating donuts"

Author's Note

Hello. Goodbye

TacoTurtle2029's pun #9????

What does Billie Joe Armstrong buy from the bakery every Sunday?

He buy's 21 Buns.

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