[2]- Anxiety and Happiness

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The airport was big and crowded. It was hard to count the times that I was shoved and pushed in the croweds by the business workers trying to catch their plane. I dragged my black suitcase behind me, with my backpack over one sholder and my chipped, cracked and duct taped covered electric guitar.

I looked at my lnyard that the women had given me before I got on the plane. "You will meet your Child Services Buddy at the entrance" it said. Buddy? Sure.

I looked around for the entrance. Ah, there it is. I made my way over to the doors and I was almost immediatly welcomed by a young man in a shirt and tie who was holding a clipboard. "My name is Gregory but you can call me Uncle Greg" he smiled with a much too big smile. Anyone who expects me to call them uncle who isn't related to me can't be trusted.

He escorted me to the car. "Buckle up, its about a 3 hour drive." he explained. I nodded and put my ear phones in, turning up the volume. All the small things. I've always loved that song. It was a long drive, but I eventually arrived at the front of my soon to be home. The anxiety filled me. What if my new dad was just like my Mum? What if he wanted to hurt me? No. If Tyler was here, he would tell me to toughen up. Thats all I need to do.

"Here we are honey" Gregory said. Honey? SInce when was I his niece? "Thanks for driving me" I said, picking up my bags and guitar. "No problem, let me escort you to the door" he replied.

The house was huge. It was surrounded by a garden and giant trees that shaded the house. We arrived at the door, and like the house, it was huge. Gregory pushed the door bell and waited. Breathe in. Breathe Out. I waited anxiously for my new family to open the door.

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