[26]- Ropes & Chairs

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Dakota's P.O.V

I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of navy blue converse, a red and black shirt and a dark-green hoodie. Tonight was the first concert that I would play with Green Day, and to my amazement, I wasn't freaking out.

"Nice outfit" Billie said as he put on his jacket "Grab your guitar and we will head over in 5 minutes". Billie walked out of the room to grab Blue. I grabbed my guitar and looked at it. I still didn't have a name for it yet, but I think I'm gonna call it Tyler. It's a bit of a cheesy name, but Tyler meant alot to me, so it kind of feels right to call it that.

I put the guitar in my case and walked out to the apartment's living room. It was just after lunch time, so we were going to head down to the concert arena soon, so we can practise before the show tonight. Mike and Tre where waiting for Billie on the couch.

"Hey Scoobs, ready for the show tonight?" Tre asked turning around to face me "In front of all those people...you wouldn't wanna stuff up" He joked. Mike playfully shoved him. "Don't listen to him kiddo, you'll be fine". I sat down and talked with Mike and Tre until Billie came out from his room. We then grabbed some nessicary things, like guitar picks and Tre's lucky drumsticks and made our way to the concert.

I looked around the open arena. The stage expanded for ages. Tre's drum set was already set up and ready to go, as well as the microphones and amps. We went backstage to our 'Chill out room' as Mike called it and made ourselves at home until we started rehearsal. We quickly went through each song which went in this order. American idiot, Jesus of Suburbia, Homecoming, Basket Case, Good Riddance, 21 Guns, Wake me up when September ends, Longview, Burnout, Welcome to Paradise, and the last song, which was Boulevade of Broken Dreams. The concert wasn't base on an album itself, but of bits and pieces according to votes on the Green Day website.

It was only half-an-hour before the concert would begin, and you could already hear the thousands of fans screaming for us to go on stage. "Are you ready?" Billie asked me as he knelted down to my height. "Yeah..I think so..." I replied. He stood back up and grabbed Blue and swung it over his shoulder "Great. Good Luck guys" He said. I followed Billie, Tre and Mike out onto the stage, which conclueded in a huge uproar of the crowd.

"HELLO NEW YORK!" Billie yelled into the microphone, which caused the crowd to cheer and scream "TONIGHT WE HAVE A VERY SPECIAL GUEST HELPING US OUT WITH THE BACK-UP GUITAR, MY DAUGHTER, DAKOTA ARMSTRONG!". Everyone cheered and clapped.

"Also known a scooby!" Tre yelled into his microphone that was set up for his vocals in homecoming later. I laughed and prepared my guitar for American Idiot. Tre smashed his drum sticks together 4 times which let Billie, Mike and I know to start the song. The astmophere was amazing, the crowd cheered after every song. Though the concert had to end eventually, so after Boulevade of Broken Dreams, we said goodbye, and walked off stage.

"You did great Scoobs!" Tre yelled as he grabbed me and put my into a bear hug.

"Nice work out there Dakota, you did really well" Billie said

"They loved you, trust me, you are like a mini Billie" Mike added. We grabbed some water and sat back down in the Chill out room. "I gotta go to the toilet" I told them as I got up from the couch "I'll be back in like five minutes". I walked out to the bathrooms which where a few rooms away from where Billie, Mike and Tre were hanging out. After I finshed up in the bathroom, I went to wash my hands. Someone was in the bathrooms with me, in the stall, but I couldn't tell who it was because I hadn't seen any other girls around.

And that's when my Mom walked out of the stall.

Before I knew it, everything went black, and I had no idea what was going on.

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