[40]- Holiday

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"G'morning Dad" I yawned as I walked pass Billie who is as sitting at his laptop.
"Morning Dakota" he replied "Can you go and get Joey and Jakob?". I nodded and walked back upstairs and knocked on their doors. We walked back down shortly later.

"Adrienne and I wanted to know if you guys are happy to get off school a little bit early and go on holiday" he smiled. Our faces lit up, I have never been on a holiday before.
"That's awesome!" I grinned "Where are we going?".
"We were thinking we could go to Universal Studios in Orlando" he said "How's that sound?".
"That sounds awesome!" I smiled. Jakob and Joey both nodded excitedly.
"That's good to hear, because we leave tomorrow".
"How long are we gonna be there for?" Joey asked.
"We will stay for a week, and do some other things while we are there" he replied "You guys have to go pack now". We ran upstairs and packed our suitcases. I put a few pairs of jeans in, chucked some converse in, a handful of shirts and all the other stuff.

"Thanks for this" I said to Billie as I came down from my room "This is gonna be my first holiday".
"No problem kiddo" he smiled as he ruffled my hair "Mike, Tre and their families are coming down too"
"Sweet" I said. I was really looking forward to this, my first holiday. This was going to be really fun.

"Bye Dad!" Jakob waved "We'll be back later, we're going down to the woods" Jakob yelled as we walked out the door to go to the tree house.
"Don't die and be back before 6" Billie replied. We grabbed our bikes and rode down to the tree house, which had been slightly upgraded from the start of the month. We showed the tree house to Hunter and Devyn, and we were planning on showing the girl Joey when we got back from holidays. Hunter brought pizza, so it smelt like pepperoni now. We climbed up the ladder and sat down.
"What was Tyler like?" Jakob asked "Y'know like as a person"
"Uhm....he was nice"
"What was he into?"
"Pretty much like me. He liked to skate, play music, play baseball. All that stuff y'know"
"He sounds pretty cool"
"What was your family like before I came?"
"Well Dad got pretty sad sometimes, when he knew he couldn't get you guys back. He was really sad when he found out about what happened to Tyler. He wouldn't talk or eat or do anything, he just changed."
"Yeah, but having you around has really cheered him up, he is back to normal now."
"What about Adrienne?"
"What about her?"
"Well I'm the outcome of Billie fucking another chick, wouldn't she be pissed?"
"They divorced for a year, they both got together with new people. Adrienne understands it all, they love each other so they don't care". We laid down and stared at the stars, and soon enough we were asleep.

I woke up after to the smell of burning wood. I looked around me, the tree House was engulfed in flames. I barley made it through the door and I well down onto the hard ground.
"Jakob?" I yelled. I couldn't see him anywhere. "Jakob!" I yelled louder. I looked up at the tree house and heard a familiar voice screaming. It was Jakob.
"Help!" He screamed "Oh my God"
"Jakob! I'm coming to get you!" I tried to get up the ladder, but the heat had snapped the rope and I fell back down. "Jakob!" I yelled "I can get you p, you're gonna have to jump out!". There was no reply. I shouted his name again, but the forest remained quiet except for the sound of the raging fire. I tried to get up the tree, but it didn't work. I couldn't do anything to help him.
"Dakota!" A voice yelled.
"Jakob!" I yelled looking around hoping I would see him. But I didn't.
"Dakota!" It repeated. I woke up and saw Jakob shaking me. We were still in the tree house. Alive. It wasn't burnt down.
"You were having a bad dream or something"
"Wait" I said "but there was a fire"
"There was no fire DK"
"I just had a really fucking scary dream"
"Don't worry, it's over now" he said as he helped me up "cmon we have to go, dinner is gonna be ready soon".

Authors Note
Sorry about the short chapter guys. It's harder to right a lot because I had all my ideas on my laptop, which I don't have with me for a while. Anyways, I start school again tomorrow, so I don't know if I will be able to update as regularly as I do. But I'm gonna try to update at least twice a week. If not that, more. Thanks for reading guys :)

TacoTurtle2029's Pun #13
I was wondering why the baseball as getting bigger, then it hit me.

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