[16]- Waddafuck?

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Dakota's P.O.V

I woke up on the couch in the living room. Billie was laying on the floor snoring, and Mike was alssep on the chair. I looked around the room confused. There were 6 cans of red bull on the table; all of them where empty. I looked at the time on the wall. Eleven Thirty in the morning. Shit, I was late for school. Billie sat up from the floor and looked at me.

"What the hell happened last night?" I asked as I sat myself up.

"Don't you remember?" He asked with a puzzled look on his face, Mike woke up and listened in on the conversation that was taking place between Billie and I.

"Nah" I yawned "I gotta get to school"

"You were drugged or something, but you dropped acid" Mike said.

"What?" I asked. I had no memory of whatever happened last night.

"You woke up like twenty minutes after Mike got you to sleep, and you started seeing weird shit and you were freaking out" Billie said as he grabbed the cans from the table and headed over to the bin "You had a really bad trip from what we could tell, it took forever to calm you down"

"I can't remember anything..." I said "...How long did you guys stay up?"

"Well lets just say, as long as it took you too fall asleep" Mike told me "Don't worry bout it kiddo, I've had bad trips before, they can get brutal"

"Sometimes you don't even remember what you saw" Billie added "I called the school last night and told them what happened, they suspended Helena for a month or something"

"Bout time" I smiled "Thanks guys, I promise not to be forced into acid again". I got up and got dressed. Mike and Billie sat in the kitchen talking about the time they dropped acid and went to get ciggaretes and soda. After I finshed getting ready, I walked down stairs.

"I think I can remember some stuff" I said "All I can remember is hands and blood and stuff" I paused and tried to remember "Did...did I see Tyler?" I asked. Mike looked at Billie, trying to signal him to give me the answer. "Yeah, you did, that's when you started freaking out". I looked down and walked over to the kitchen. "You gotta get to school Dakota, Jakob is waiting for you there" he passes me some money for lunch. "Bye guys, thanks again, for looking after me".

"No problem" Mike said "Are you alright for a lift?"

"Nah, I'll walk, I feel like thinking"

"Okay" Billie said "Scooby" he grinned, Mike laughed at the nickname that Tre had given me. I said goodbye again and made my way to school, maybe everything's gonna be okay.

Billie's P.O.V

"She's a good kid" I said "It pisses me off that she has to grow up without her brother anymore". I looked at my phone. 27th of September. "Ya'know, it's her birthday tomorrow, I wanna do something special for her" I said "First birthday in the Armstrong house hold".

"I'll tell Trè" Mike said "We'll get her something, what's she into?"

"She likes skateboarding, I know she enjoys playing baseball and she well, plays the guitar so anything I guess" I replied. Mike nodded and checked his phone. "I gotta go Beej" he said "Gotta get home, I'll tell Tre about the birthday". I smiled "I'll ring you later to talk about it". As soon as Mike left, Adrienne came home from her morning tea with her friend.

"How was last night?" She asked.

"Pretty Shit" I replied "She didn't mix well with the LSD"

"I'm glad that girl got suspended" she replied as she put her car keys on the table "Is she at school?"

"Yeah, she just left" I said "80? Is there any chance we can do something nice for her tomorrow, it's her birthday"

"Sure, I'll take you out shopping in about an hour" she smiled, I love her smile "I'll text Jakob to ask her if there is anyone she would want to invite".

Jakob's P.O.V

Motherous: You know who Dakota's friends are right. Can you ask them if they wanna come over tomorrow for Dakota's b'day? Just make sure she doesn't know. Mum xoxo

Me: Yeah sure, I'll ask them after lunch.

Dakota seemed out of character today. Dad told me about what had happened, and how it ended in Helena getting suspended or something. Either that, or I'm still going crazy from post-cold.

"So Dakota, how are you feeling?" I asked, she looked up from her food. "Yeah, I'm fine, just kinda still gripping onto what actually happened". We talked about movies for the rest of our break until we had to part for our classes. Devyn and Hunter were with me in Maths next, so I guess I could ask them then.


"So are you guys gonna come?" I asked "It is gonna be big, just a get together or something"

"Sure, I'm sure we can make it" Devyn said, Hunter nodded.

"Great, I'll text mom back then".


Author's Note

Sorry guys for the small chapter, I'm gona update soon though. If anyone is actually reading this O-o

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