[42]- Starbucks and ice-cream

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After we unpacked some of our clothes and got settled into our apartments, we decided to decide of something to do for the time being. Adrienne, Brittany and Sara-Rose wanted to do some shopping. Before we could think of something else, they had already left.

"I want to find a Starbucks" Mike said "I haven't had a decent coffee in a while, and I would like one now".

"We will find a coffee shop soon Mike" Billie told Mike "We need to think of something we can do together". Brixton and Ryan had gone with the girls, so it was just me, Jakob, Joey, Frankito, Mike, Tre and Billie.

"We could always just go look around" I said "Y'know, just look at stuff"

"Yup, defiantly your daughter" Mike smiled "How about....we go get some coffee?". Billie sighed and then agreed to go and get coffee. We grabbed our coats, because it was pretty cold and made our way to look around Orlando. Sure, it wasn't snowing or anything. It was just hoodie weather.

Frankito, Jakob, Joey and I got the gingerbread latte from Starbucks, Mike got an espresso, Billie got a cookie in the shape of a Christmas tree, and Tre got an Orange Mocha Frappachino. We sat down at a table while we drank our drinks and Billie nibbled on his Christmas-themed cookie.

"Hey guys" Tre snickered to himself "Guess what?" He was holding in a laugh, as if he was about to do something stupid.

"What Tre?" Mike asked taking a sip of his coffee and placing it back on the table. Tre paused for a moment then yelled at the top of his lungs.

"ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPACHINO!" He yelled making us all jump, including the people who were sitting in the cafe.

"Dad!" Frankito said as he nudged Tre "C'mon dont do that"


"Dad! Shut-up!"

"OKAY FRANKITO. I WILL SHUTUP" Tre screamed "HEY FRANKITO, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A FUNNY JO-" Tre was cut off by one of the ladies who was working at the cafe.

"Sir, we are going to have to ask you to leave" She said "You are annoying the other customers"

"Good one Tre" Billie said as he shoved the last part of his cookie in his mouth and stood up.

"They need a sense of humour!" Tre pouted as he left the cafe. We all followed him out. 

"What now?" Joey asked "Since Tre got us kicked out of Starbucks"

"How about that trampoline centre? I heard that was good" Jakob suggested.

"Please Dad! That sounds awesome!" I begged.

"Okay, but you're looking after Tre" Billie replied.

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