[28]- We're coming home again

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Dakota's P.O.V

Today was the first day back at school since tour had finished. It's kind of hard to explain how awesome it was, been on stage witht he badn you admired for years, having thousands of people cheer for you, it's just an amazing experience, and I know Tyler would of loved it.

Billie finished cooking the bacon and eggs and put some onto my plate. "Thanks" I said as I grabbed my fork and dug into my breakfast.

"Listen" he told me "Helena is gonna be back at school today"

"Crap. I forgot about her"

"Watch your mother-fucking language" he joked as he sat next to Jakob who was already finishing his breakfast.

"Just, try and stay out of trouble" He told me "Even if it isn't your fault"

"Okay...I'll try" I said. I finished my breakfast and finished getting ready. I jumped into Billie's car and he drove Jakob and I too school. Joey had been getting lifts from his friends, so he didn't come with us. Jakob and I walked over to Devyn and Hunter, so we could tell them about what happened during tour.

"Dakota?" A familiar voice asked as they tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see Helena.

"Uhh" I said, backing up slightly "Yeah?"

"Look. I'm sorry alright"


"Yeah, I'm sorry for hitting you and shit"

"Oh...thanks...it's okay"

"I've learnt my lesson, I won't mess with you anymore"

"Okay" I said as she walked inside the building. "What was all that about?" Jakob asked. "I dunno" I replied. "I still don't trust her" Hunter said. "Who knows, she might of changed" I said. Hunter shrugged.


"Good news" Billie smiled as he picked Jakob and I up from school in his car "We got the medical records back from Cassadra, and they're gonna be able to put you on ritalin"

"Oh, that's great" I replied "Thanks"

"No problem, oh and we're going to Mike's for dinner". Jakob was asleep in the back. Billie looked at me and asked "How come you didn't tell anyone that you had a histrory of depression?" He asked. Fuck, that was the one thing I didn't want him to know.

"I dunno what your talking about" I lied

"C'mon Dakota, it was on your medical records, you should of told us, because then we could of helped you if you got depressed again"

"I'm not going to get depressed again". Billie parked in the driveway and Jakob ran out to grab some food.

"You haven't been acting yourself latley..." Billie told me

"I dunno...I'm as fucked up as they come, so that could be the case"

"Your not fucked up!" Billie yelled

"Then how come everything bad happens to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Firstly, I'm born to an alcholic and drug adicted women who hits me and my brother, then Tyler gets killed, I have to move to the other side of the country, then I get beat up like 4 times, I have to go to the hospital like 5 times, then my mum kidnapps me? Tell me what's not fucked up about that. I'm a burdern to this family"

"Dakota!" Billie yelled, I had pissed him off "You're not fucked up and you're not a burden to this family, you are this family alright?". I shrugged "I need time to think" he told me. I grabbed my bag and hopped out of the car, and ran up to my bedroom.

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