[7]- Recess

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"Wake up Dakota, it's time for school" Billie said, as he shook me to wake me up.

"Huh?" I moaned, half asleep.

"C'mon, we have pancakes for breakfast" he smiled, running down to the kitchen.

I got dressed quickly and made my way down to the kitchen where everyone was already starting to get their breakfast.

"Good Morning Honey" Adrienne smiled as she gave me a plate of pancakes.

"Goodmorning" I grabbed the plate and sat down. They were the best pancake that I had ever eaten. Ever.

"I'm gonna show you around the school today Dakota." Jakob said "Trust me. You do not want one of the teacher's pets doing it" he laughed.

"Thanks" I said taking another bite of my breakfast.

I packed my bag with my books and got into the car. Billie was driving, so the radio was blasting songs by the Sex Pistols. Billie was singing along with the music.

When we arrived at the school, I hopped out of the car and threw my bag over my shoulders. "C'mon, I'll show you around" Jakob said.


After Jakob had finished showing me around the school, I went to my locker to empty out my bag. Locker 209...209...where is it?

I looked around for my locker for at least 10 minutes. I finally found it by the room where I was going to have History in Period One. I took out my time table to make sure that I was right. Yup. History: Room B27. The bell rang and the crowds of kids ran to get to their classrooms.

I grabbed my bag and walked over to the room. I looked around for a seat and found on at the back. The only seat left.

"Hurry Up Class! We have things to learn." yelled the teacher "Ashton, get that gum out of your mouth now!" he yelled.

I sat quietly in my chair. If I could take soemthing from my old school, it was dont talk unless you want to be beat up. "Everyone settle down. We have a new student joining us today" Don't make me stand up. Don't make me stand up. Don't make me stand up. "Dakota please stand up" God Dammit. I stood up and watched as every head turned towards me.

"Dakota. Introduce yourself" He said

"Uhm. My name is Dakota"

"Obviosly" someones whispered to their friend.

"I have recently moved here from New York to live with my Dad. I used to have a twin brother"

"Did he die or something" the same kid laughed. The class followed.

"Yes." I replied. The laughing stopped.

"I play guitar and I like to skate" I continued "And thats about it"

"Thankyou Dakota. Now sit down and listen"

The teacher stated to talk about politics or something. I wasnt really listening. I was too busy listening to the girl and her friends next to me making jokes about whatever they thought was funny about my life.

"What do you think happened to her twin?" one laughed, but still whispering.

"She looks like an emo, so he probably killed himself" the main on laughed.

"Look at how she keeps tapping her fingers ont he table. What a freak"

I had a strong urge to punch on of them in the face. Well it wouldnt hurt to punch all of them in the face right?

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