[5]- New Strings

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I woke up. I looked at my ipod to check the time. 7:30 am? Geez. I'm up early, considering I normally get up at eleven. I jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

I jumped into the shower and washed my hair in the warm water. I was in there for about 10 minutes. I hadn't had a warm shower in years, seeing that my Mum never payed the water bill. I jumped out and dried myself. I found that adrienne had brought me a hair straightner and dryer. I dried my hair and straightened it. Everyone at my old school always used to call me an emo because of my jet black hair and its style. But now, I can start at a new school. Hopefully I will fit in.

I walked into my walk in robe and satrted to pick out my clothes. I picked out a pair a black skinny jeans, a Nirvana shirt, and dark red hoodie and a pair of brand-new black converse. I felt good to have new clothes.

I waited in my room for a while longer until I heard that someone was awake. I heard Billie on the phone outside my room. In the hall maybe? Who knew. The house was huge.

"Mike, she is just like me. Its awesome." he said over the phone "You gotta get you and Tre to come over later today to meet her"

It was silent for a minute "Great. See you later then".

Was I about to meet the rest of Green Day? Mike Dirnt and Tre Cool? If I knew about this 14 years ago, I would of flown my baby ass over to Oakland as soon as I knew.

I got up and made my way down stairs. Thats if I could find where the stairs were.

Billie was sitting down in the kitchen reading the newspaper. It seemed so weird seeing someone I always saw as a badass rocker sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee and reading an article in the newspaper.

"G'morning Dakota" he smiled

"G'morning" I replied, taking a seat down on the seat opposite him "Thanks for the closet. Its really awesome. How'd you know I love all these bands?"

"How couldn't you like those bands?" he asked.

"Good point"

"You hungry? We have Lucky Charms and wheat flakes. Your choice."

"The most sugary cereal in the world versus the least sugary?" I said "Lucky Charms please"

Billie poured me and bowl of the cereal and poured in milk. "There y'go" he said and he put the milk back in the fridge. "Thanks" I said as I took a mouthful of the cereal.

I started to obliviously tap my hand on the table again.

"Y'know" Billie said "I known why you tap your hand all the time"

I looked up, realising I was tapping my hand again. "Sorry" I said looking down. Was I annoying him?

"You have ADHD right? It said it on the note I was given."

"Yeah" I said "Sorry I don't control it. My Mom never gave any medication to Tyler or me".

"If you want, its up to you, but we can start to give you medication. But it's all up to you"

"That sounds good." I replied

"Cool. I'll take you to the doctor whenever I can fit an appointment in." he smiled as he closed the newspaper and took his cup to the sink. Adrienne walked into the kitchen.

"Good Morning Billie" she said. They kissed. It was still weird seeing this.

"Good Morning Dakota. How was your sleep?" she asked me

"Good thankyou" I replied.

I made my way back up to my room and got out my backpack. I picked up Tyler's skateboard. It was covered in stickers and duct-tape. The trucks were bright green and the wheels were black. Tyler's favorite colours.

Billie walked into my room "Are you ready to go?" he asked "To the guitar shop?"

"Yeah." I said as I followed him out of the house and into the car.

"I'll show you around the town" he said "There is the local skate park, which Jakob will probably take you too tomorrow after school" It was a huge skatepark. Everthing seemed to be big around here. "There is the school you will be attending tomorrow" he poited toward a huge building surrounded by oak trees. "Cool" I replied. "There is the shopping centre" he pointed to another large building.

"And finally, here is the guitar shop" he parked his car in the car park and hopped out. The shop was massive, the walls were covered in every type of guitar you could imagine.

"Pick out whatever one you want." Billie said "Its on me".

"Really? Anyone?"

"Yup" he replied "But it can't be over 2,000 dollars"

"Fair enough" I said as I started to browse through the endless corridors of guitars.

FInally, I picked out an electric guitar that was matte black. Boring I know. But Billie told me to pick out some stickers to stick on aswell if I felt like it. And I felt like it.

"This one I think" I said as I held out the guitar.

"Awesome" he said "I actually havent seen that one. Might get one myself one day" he said.

"Oh" he said "You need a strap"

He walked me over to the rack which held hundreds of designs of guitar straps. I looked through the collection. I picked out a red and black checkered strap.

"Good Choice" he said as we walked over to the counter.

"Billie Joe!" the cashier said "I havent seen you in ages? Where have you been?" he said

"I just got back from tour Jackson" Billie replied "Oh, this is my daughter, Dakota"

"Hello Dakota" he waved "Welcome to Oakland"

"Just these thanks Jackson" Billie said as he put the guitar and starp on the table.

AFter we had brought the guitar we went back into the car and started to drive home. "Thanks again Billie." I paused "Dad". Billie seemed to be happy that I called him Dad. "No problem Dakota" he said "I want you to meet some people. Tre and Mike are coming over to introduce themselves and meet you" he said. "Cool. Looking forward to it" I smiled as we continued out journey back to the house.

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