New Home Away From Home

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Nova landed in the middle of London with no place to go. Jackfrost nipped at her nose, making it pink. Her cheeks were flushed. She pulled her black cat closer to her body, hoping to keep the kitten warm.

Luckily, Nova was able to change out of her dress. She wore her black leather jacket, black wripped skinny jeans, combat boots, and a black beanie.

All Nova's belongings were packed into a small burgundy backpack. Even her mattress was stuffed into the secretly elongated bag. She was still confused how she managed to get it in there.

There were three places Nova could stay.

One, she could track down the Tonks residence and see her Aunt Andy. Nova didn't want to intrude on her festivities. Besides, Nova didn't know her, nor did she expect Andromeda to take her in. A child was a lot to take care of.

Two, as Molly Weasley repeatedly reminded her, Nova was and will always be welcomed at the Weasley residence. Unfortunately, she vetoed this idea for similar reasons as she did the Tonks. The Weasleys are a lovely family, but lacked money. Nova didn't want to further strain their financial situation by staying there, knowing Molly wouldn't accept any money Nova gave her.

Third, Nova could go to the Leaky Couldron. She quickly dismissed the idea, not wanting people to stare at her like some horrible animal in a zoo exhibit.

"I'm sorry, Mistress Nova!" Binky squeaked. Nova turned to her.

"What's wrong, Binky?" Nova asked.

"Binky should've gotten us closer to our destination. Binky should've gotten us out of the cold." Binky stammered worrisome.

"Binky, it's alright. We didn't have a destination. The cold is to be expected, it's December, Darlin," Nova said with a small smile. "And call me Nova."

"Yes, Nova." Binky stated. "Binky did have a destination in mind. The Burrow."

"I don't want to burden them."

"Oh I'm sorry, Nova!" Binky cried.

"Hey, it's alright. You can't read minds. I didnt expect you to know." Nova stated sympathetically.

A light bulb appeared over Nova's head.

Of course! Why hadn't she thought about the Black House before? Her father had to live somewhere when he was a child. Pureblood houses or manors stay within the family.

This is why Hermione makes the plans, Nova reminded herself.

"Binky, is there a chance there's a house that belonged to the Black Family?" Nova asked her house elf.

"Number 12 Grimmauld Place!" Binky answered, happy she knew the answer.

"Brilliant! Can you take me there?" Nova asked.

"Of course I can, Nova!"

Binky took Nova's hand and apperated to the door step of Grimmauld Place.

Nova was beyond shock. The Black Family house was in muggle London if all places.

That's ironic, Nova thought.

The moment Nova opened the door, a shrill scream filled her ears.



The screeching died down.

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