Nightmares and Bubble Wrap

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"Da, is this really nessesary?" Nova groaned as Sirius wrapped his daughter in extensive amounts of bubble wrap.

It's been a week since Harry has been at Lupin Cottage. He noted a few particular facts.

Both fathers are extremely protective, but Remus is the more relaxed out of the two.

Nova will act like a cat when yarn is dangled over her head.

Sirius reacts to squeaky toys like a dog would.

Remus hates the beach more than cats hate the water.

Sirius has an addiction to ABBA. Only Hermione's could rival his.

Nova steals Remus's sweaters.

Remus will eat Frosted Flakes for any meal of the day.

Sirius is an excellent cook, which he passed down to Nova and taught her his "magical arts to cooking pasta."

The trio all had different personalities but fit together better than Fred and George, or pretty close to it.

"Yes!" Sirius exclaimed. "My baby is going to be flying on a broom hundred of feet in the air!"

Nova couldn't even move. The bubble wrap held her hands up in a T-pose with her feet were shoulder width apart.

"Da, I can't even move!" Nova objected. "How the bloody hell am I suppose to practice?"

"Better safe than sorry," Sirius shrugged.

"I've been playing all summer! And since I was twelve!" Nova objected as she tried to walked. Her walk, however, became a waddle.

"And you didn't have the proper gear!" Sirius justified. "You don't have the shoulder pads nor the shin guards. That's only what I can name off the top of my head."

Harry held in his laughter that was desperately trying to escape.

"Pa!" Nova called. "Help me!"

"Wait!" Sirius called back, placing a helmet on Nova's head. "You forgot this!"

"Pa!" Nova exclaimed horrified.

Harry couldn't hold it any longer. Laughter tore through his chest.

"Wha?" Remus asked walking into the room with his face covered in chocolate.

"Help me!" Nova groaned. "I can't play like this! I'm a fucking marshmellow!"

"Have fun, marshmellow," Remus grinned.

Nova glared, and it was terrifying.

Siriusly! How does someone look scary wrapped in bubble wrap and wearing a bright pink princess helmet with a crown look intimidating?

The simple answer: She's Nova Lily Lupin-Black, the impossible girl that does impossible things.

"You do realize that within the past four years I have battled a troll, got launched across a room by a murderous chess board, strangled by Devil's Snare, played quidditch, fought a giant snake, servived killer spiders, flown a car to school, gotten attacked by a bloody tree, given wicked punches, faced a mass murderer that's my father, put a werewolf to sleep, and gotten away with hundreds of pranks, right?" Nova questioned, raising her eyebrows. "Besides, I can't fucking move!"

"It's official!" Sirius exclaimed, both teasing Nova and being serious. "You are living in a safety bubble!"

By this point, Harry was rolling on the floor in laughter. Remus was hiding his smile. Sirius looked extremely concerned.

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