Lupin's Visit

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This is very short chapter. It literally is just Remus visiting Nova while she is in the hospital wing. There isn't anything big in this chapter. You can skip if you want. I promise you won't miss anything important....think of it as a "one-shot" in a way. I promise the next chapter will be longer and more interesting. 

Harry and Nova were stuck in the hospital wing through the weekend. Most of their time was spent joking around and completing the homework Hermione insisted upon, much to the displeasure of the duo. 

One of the more memorable moments was when Remus Lupin barged in looking panicked. He ran in fast enough he faceplanted, tripping over thin air. He still looked sick, but Harry didn't judge.

Nova, who was sleeping decently with a potion Poppy gave her, stirred slightly. Harry, who had been awake doing homework, stifled his laughter. 

"Remus!" Poppy hissed once he stood up. 

"Sorry, Poppy," Lupin apologized. His sandy brown hair was unbelievable messy, as if he had just rolled out of bed. "I just came to see my dau-I mean...Nova Black. Ya know, make sure she's alright."

"No need to lie to me, Remus Lupin," Pomfrey smiled slightly. "I knew who she was the first time she came in."

"Thanks, Poppy," Remus said with a sincere smile upon his face. "You have no idea how good it feels to finally call you that."

"Don't fool yourself, Remus. You and your band of Merry Thieves called me that since the first time you came in here." Poppy stated with an eyeroll, which turned into a sad expression. "Well, I'll leave you to it."

Remus's amber eyes studied the girl that lay peacefully on the bed. Harry sat at the foot of her bed, completing the homework Hermione had given him. 

"Are you feeling better, Professor?" Harry asked, his green eyes meeting Lupin's honey eyes. 

"What?" Lupin asked, confusion clear on his face. 

"The dungeon bat-I mean Snape said you were ill and couldn't attend class," Harry explained. "I thought that was why you weren't here to see Nox at first, that and to not raise suspicion."

Unbeknownist to Harry, his thoughtfulness caused pain to Lupin's heart. The expression upon Harry's face deeply resembled James's, but there was definitely Lily in him. 

"I am feeling better, thanks for asking," Remus answered, smiling through the pain. It was a smile both similar and different to Nova's, in Harry's opinion. "How's she doing?"

"She's good, I think," Harry said honestly. "She's hard to understand sometimes. She blocks most of the world out. Even when your in her inner circle, she has several walls up. Now, I think about it...I've never seen her cry.

"Especially with everything going on..." Harry trailed off. "But I think she's okay."

"Oh..." Remus said, looking upset. 

"You know, I don't blame you." Harry reassured him. "For leaving her, ya know? It's not like you wanted to. I don't think Nox would care either. Well, unless you help Black, then that might not be too good." 

"I wouldn't help him, Harry," Lupin stated sincerely. 

Harry believed him. 

"That's good," Harry murmmered looking down at his potions homework as if it were in Turkish. 

"What happened?" Remus asked, hoping to get the whole story. 

"There was a dementor attack during the match. I was chasing the snitch, which lead me right into the dementors. Nova followed me, hoping to catch me. She leaned to far off her broom, and we both fell." Harry informed. "I keep telling her to stop trying to save me, or at least stop risking her life. I swear, she's more stubborn than a mule."

"I wouldn't doubt that," Remus said with a soft chuckled. His eyes turned panicked when Nova shifted slightly. "Are we sure she is sleeping?"

"Yeah...well...I hope," Harry said. "Let's test the theory."

"How are you-" Remus began to asked but was interrupted by Harry softly speaking. 

"Love, you have to wake up," Harry said quietly. Nova didn't stir. "Imma eat your chocolate."

"Fuck off, Harold. Eat my chocolate and you will lose the ability to have children," Nova murmed. Her face turned soft and child like before falling back into a deep slumber. 

"She's asleep," Harry clarified, sitting back at the edge of the bed. 

"Is she always like that?" Remus asked, trying to hide his smile. 

"Yesterday, she threw a pillow at Ron. The day before that, she was mumbling about adorable friendly dragons and evil butterflies..." Harry said trailing off. "I guess it really depends."

"Well...I best be going..." Lupin trailed off. "It was nice talking to you." 

"Good bye, Professor," Harry said before turning back to his school work. 

Remus wouldn't lie, it hurt. His honorary nephew knew him as 'Professor Lupin'. Not 'Uncle Remus'. Not 'Uncle Moony'. He was 'Professor Lupin'. 

To his own daughter, he was 'Mr.Chocolate Man' and sometimes 'Professor'. He wasn't 'Dad'. He wasn't whatever a teenage girl would call their father. 

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