What Secret Meeting?

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The following morning, Nova woke up to muffled laughter around her. Groggily, she tried to stretch but realized a pair of strong arms were wrapped around her. 

"Shhh! You're gonna wake them up!" Ginny hissed. 

"Too late," Nova grumbled. 

"Did wittle Potter get some last night?" Fred teased. 

George, Fred, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Lee surrounded the duo. Harry, who was still asleep, had his arms wrapped around Nova's waist, pulling her into his chest. 

Fred and George began to make kissing noises. 

"Fred. George. If you don't shut the bloody hell up, I'll make sure neither of you 'get some'." Nova threatened, causing the twins to instantly become silent. 

"Just because you're Potter's personal teddy bear doesn't mean you can have an attitude, young lady," Lee fake scolded. 

Nova flipped him off. 

"You think I wanna be here?" Nova rose an eyebrow. 

"Yes, very much so," Ginny grinned cheekily. 

Nova, for the first time that day, blushed. 

"Aww! Look! Little Noxxy is blushing!" Ron teased. 

"Ew! No! And don't call me that! I sound like a stripper!" Nova groaned, hiding her face into Harry's chest, who miraculously hadn't woken up. 

"What a striper?" Ron, George, and Lee asked in unison. 

"It's a-" Fred began. 

"Fred, be quiet." Hermione shushed. "Why don't we let them figure it out?"

"Hey, Ron!" Ginny laughed. "You should ask mum or McGonagall what it is!"

Before Ron could shoot back, Nova spoke up, irritated. 

"That's nice and all, but I'm in a bit of a situation. So if we could I dunno . . .help me out of his death grip, that would be greatly appreciated." Nova sassed, rolling her eyes. "I need a new hoodie. Meaning I need to go shopping."

"Meaning you need to go shopping in Harry's trunk," Hermione scoffed. 

"So? He gets them back!" Nova justified. "Now, help me."

"You could just wake him up  . . ." Hermione reasoned. 

"There's no fun in that," Ginny stated. 

"We might need a crowbar to get you out . . ." Lee stated. 

Nova groaned in frustration. 

Everyone watched in amusement as Nova twisted and turned, evidently escaping Harry's arms. 

With a loud thump, Nova fell to the floor. Harry stirred slightly but remained asleep. 

"Here," Ginny said, handing Nova a pillow. 

"What the bloody hell is she supposed to do with that?" Ron asked. 

"Strangle him," Nova said sarcastically with a shrug. 

Ron looked panicked. 

"It's my replacement dumbass," Nova rolled her eyes. 

Slowly, she moved Harry's arms, placing the pillow within them. Her wicked grin faded once Harry's hand wrapped around her arm, pulling her back to the couch and into his chest. 

"I'm trying to decide if he's asleep or not," Hermione said with a smirk. 

"I'm going to marry Dudley," Nova stated. 

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